Day: 4 August 2016

Mushroom And Bok Choy Asian Soup

Winter time is when the soups come into their own. There are all sorts of recipes out there yet they all have one thing in common – they nourish us physically and emotionally. So how can you have a warming soup which is raw? Use warm to hot water as the liquid and also use […]

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self love, intuition, connecting with spirit, gratitude, meditation

Self-Compassion – The Path To Better Relationships With Others

So what is self-compassion and why is it important? Self-compassion is an action and an attitude in which we accept and embrace ourselves. Being self-compassionate means embracing ourselves for who we are, the good, the bad and everything in-between. It’s important because it doesn’t just improve our feelings toward ourselves but research shows that it […]

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intuition, connecting with spirit, meditation, gratitude

Connecting With Your Spirit

Yes! You have been searching for so long to connect with your Spirit. Now is the time. You know it’s YOUR time to start your journey, to start something new, to finally connect with Spirit. Trust the magic of new beginnings, trust yourself and your inner knowing. You are ready to step into this new […]

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gratitude, seasons, life, new beginnings

New Beginnings And The Natural Rhythm Of Life

Our lives are filled with exits and entrances, endings and beginnings – it is the natural rhythm of all life. Nothing is static – if it is then maybe it no longer has life!! These times are filled with great opportunity but can also have sprinklings of both pain and joy. So what is going […]

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