Day: 11 October 2016

New Beginnings: Let the Light Continue Shine

As we continue to flow with the energy of Spring, her promise of warmer months and acknowledging our Lighten Up Summit last month, it is a great time to herald a time of new beginnings, planting of seeds and fertility, growth and rebirth. We LOVED engaging with you and showcase our community in a different way ~ […]

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Follow A Life Full of Gratitude

In recent times, much has been made of the word and idea of gratitude but actually we can’t make or say enough about it. We are taught from an early age that saying ‘Thank you’ is good manners and are reminded when we forget this simple acknowledgement! It seems to somehow smooth the energy between people […]

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intuitive development, ways to relax, gratitude

Relax, Create Space And Go With The Flow

Over the years, I have had many conversations with my guides and the Angels to relax, let go and “go with the flow”. It’s been a huge lesson for me, as a self-described Earth Angel and Empath. Being someone who is highly sensitive to people’s emotions and feeling responsible to help, fix and make them […]

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co-creating, intuition, trusting the universe, gratitude

Co-Creation In The Flow

Once we acknowledge we are empowered to create anything our little heart’s desire, we are living a purposeful life. We have moved away from victim (life just happens to me) to Creator or as I prefer, Co-Creator. This co-creator mindset gives us the space to take ownership of our lives and to live happier more […]

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Persephone: The Archetype of the Mystic and Intuitive

Persephone is a beloved maiden goddess, who eventually became the Goddess of the Underworld. The Underworld represents our unconscious, thoughts or feelings that we may have suppressed or are unaware of. As a Queen to Hades, the King of the Underworld, she assists souls who have just passed over and needed guidance to orientate to find […]

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heal yourself, love your body, gratitude

Body Intuition

If I ask you, where does your intuition come from, what would be your answer? Most of us connect intuition to the mind and the Spirit. If we think a little deeper, we may say the source of the intuition is the Spirit and the channel through which it comes to us is the mind. […]

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Your Intuitive Self

We perceive the outer world with many senses that are often categorised into five physical senses and, similarly, we perceive the inner world with five intuitive senses. Intuition is a way for you to sense energy and interpret the non–physical world. We have become so adept at explaining the physical world that we don’t give […]

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