5 Ways To Love Yourself More Through Food

Loving yourself encompasses your thoughts, intentions and actions. We have our own personal thoughts about good foods and bad foods and we make intentions to eat more or less of these, which then forms our eating habits. It is no wonder that food can become part of a love-hate relationship that we may have with ourselves.

As you can see, our relationship with food provides us with an opportunity to enhance our self-love. Here are 5 useful ways that you can incorporate an exploration of self-love through food into your day.

  1. The only food is ‘good’ food

Any food eaten in excess is capable of causing an imbalance in the body and mind. The best way to love yourself through food is to base your meals and snacks on nutrient rich whole foods. However, when you do eat foods that are considered occasional foods, such as sweets, chocolate and crisps, enjoy them. Really be present to the taste, the texture and how it makes you feel.

  1. Listen to your gut

For thousands of years, Eastern approaches such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine have stated that all health and illness stems from the gut. Western science is now discovering how our gut flora, called microbiota, influences the health of our mind and body. So far we know that basing our food choices on high fibre fruits, coloured vegetables, pulses e.g. legumes, lentils and whole grains, improves the balance of our gut flora, leading to improved physical and mental health. Including fermented foods e.g. yoghurt, kefir, miso, tempeh and sauerkraut, which are high in probiotics, also improve our gut and overall health.

  1. Take time to eat

Love yourself more through food by taking the time to sit and enjoy your meals and snacks. Make time to pause in your day, to nourish yourself and to recharge your batteries. Eastern medicine encourages us to focus our attention on eating, so our energy (Qi, pronounced chee) is available to support the digestion and metabolism of food. If we eat on the run, or we are distracted by thoughts of the past or future—then our Qi and blood supply will be diverted away from the gut, and our uptake of nutrients and Qi from food will be impaired.

  1. Share with others

I appreciate that we lead busy lives, but the preparation of food need not be a chore. Sharing the role of preparing food with others increases the enjoyment of this important part of the day. Perhaps each member of your household, or circle of friends, could take turns preparing their favourite meal to share. Sharing makes meal times a celebration of good food.

  1. Eat mindfully

Mindful eating is a practice that provides internal guidance on how you can love yourself more through food. It allows you to tap into your motivations for eating and allows you to reassess your relationship with food.

nutrition, mindful eating, gratitudeMindfulness and mindful eating will be explored further in my workshop at the upcoming Blue Mountains Festival on Sunday 28th February and Gratitude Online next month.

Love yourself more through food by creating thoughts, intentions and choices that support the health of your mind and body. After all, for food to be our medicine, it needs to match our personal needs.