Infinite Love, a Message from Spirit

This month we invited you to be part of our 7 Day Gratitude Experience and received so much love and wonderful feedback, thank you all who participated and for those that gave their comments, it was greatly appreciated. For those that missed it, here is the link.

One of the comments we received was from Alison, Let Love Bloom who incorporated the experience into her self care bloom tools and received a channelled message that we both felt was so poetical, it was meant for all of us to hear. Below was her message:

Hi everyone, I have been loving the 7 day gratitude experience this week and been using the meditations in my daily self care bloom tools. Today I was guided to channel a few words from spirit. I do this often in my journal but today what I channelled was all about gratitude and took me to a new and deeper level of gratitude. Thought I would share it with you. Love Alison x

The Love and light that we share and you feel is infinite and universal.

Surrender and let go

There is no need to push, struggle or fight…

Just sit back, let go, trust, receive and go with the flow.

Everything is already on its way and is divinely planned.

Your tension and un happiness is just blocking the flow and slowing down the process, thats why you feel like things come in dribs and drabs.

Everyday is a gift and miracle

Everyday you get to wake up in your body is a gift and miracle in itself.

You underestimate the miracle and work that went on behind the scenes to get you where you are today.

  • to be born;
  • to form your body;
  • to give you wings;
  • the gift of sight, sound and reason; 
  • the perfection in it all is highly overlooked, forgotten and taken for granted.

Do not forget the miracle that you are, the chance that you have to be on earth.

Experience life, love, travel, food, children, touch, the magnificence of the earth and all it’s animals, plants, mountains and oceans.

Do not take it for granted.

Infinite love and gratitude from spirit.