Gaining Connection Through Channeling

Naomi Nonu-Carling is joining us at the upcoming Sutherland Embrace Life Festival on Sunday 28 June with an introductory workshop “Open to Channel” at 2pm; in this article she shares with some key points on Channeling and how you can bring this into your daily practice.

Channeling is the natural process of communication between a human “channel” and their Higher Self, Angelic Beings, Star Beings, Ascended Masters, Gods or Goddesses and deceased loved ones. Channeling can also include communication with elemental beings such as tree spirits, forest spirits, water devas, animals and other multi-dimensional and spiritual entities.

A channel is much like a translator. They use a process to tune-in to higher frequencies and then interpret these frequencies into messages. This is done with language, sound and through other artistic outlets. Contrary to old beliefs, channeling does not require an entity to ‘take over’ a channel’s body or mind. It simply requires some focus and practice to become a clear channel.

A trained and experienced Channel is able to discern between different energy streams and decide whether they have an uplifting, positive agenda or if they have a lower frequency. A process of invocation quickly opens access to higher dimensional beings.

I have been channeling for 6 years for groups, clients and my own spiritual growth. It’s enormously helpful if I’m facing a challenge or problem, if I’m at a crossroads, or if I’d like a higher, more insightful view of what is happening for humanity. After channeling I feel calmer, lighter in mood, more joyful and reassured. I can also discover solutions where I couldn’t see them before. I learned during my channeling training in 2009 that I had been channeling guidance less formally from Angelic beings and Ascended Masters such as Jesus and Mother Mary for myself and others. This began since a major spiritual awakening in 2000.

Beings beyond the 3rd dimension are very willing to support us and give guidance to bring us more into alignment with our true purpose, loving forgiveness and to assist in raising the vibration on Earth.

Sometimes the path to becoming a channel comes after an ‘awakening’ or spiritual experience that opens perception (the third eye) beyond the physical, third dimension. To access higher dimensions, there are many methods, however meditation is the easiest pathway. Simply experiencing channeling can provide an opportunity to access beyond the third, fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions. My favourite, inspiring channeled entities were Abraham-Hicks, Bashar, the Z’s (through channel Lee Harris) and the Pleiadians (through my teacher Solara An-ra).

If channeling interests you, you may be being guided to take your spiritual journey further and learn this tool for yourself.

Everyone can channel and becoming a channel is a simple process. If you feel drawn to channeling, you will benefit from a framework to do this, however mostly the process requires trust, opening and focus. Entering into an expanded state of consciousness is key and there are many teachers and books that can provide avenues to doing this easily. One such book which has helped me was Opening to Channel by Orin and DaBen.

Below is a video that Naomi made a few years ago for students who are interested in advancing their spiritual abilities by becoming a channel, which may give you a sense about channelling.