10 Ways To Unleash Your Inner Goddess

Have you ever wanted to know how you can tap into or reclaim your goddess energy, Catherine shares 10 ways you can bring into your daily lives, ways to honour the divine feminine.

1. Love yourself first

Goddess, the only way you can show up in the world as the most joyful, radiant and giving version of yourself is to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with YOU. Loving yourself allows love to flow into every single area of your life. It’s not selfish or pointless – it’s absolutely essential.

2. Cherish your body

Your body is a divine temple. Every heartbeat, every breath, every step, every smile, every curve, every scar, every freckle is totally, breathtakingly spectacular. Listen closely to what your body wants – rest, nourishment, movement, hugs – and give it wholeheartedly.

3. Honour your feelings

Your feelings contain powerful messages about who you are, what you want and what is happening in the world around you. Every single one of your feelings is valid, beautiful and enlightening – treat them as such. Feel your feelings fully. Ask them what they want you to know. Thank them.

4. Shine your light

Beautiful, you know what lights you up. You know what brings you joy. You know what makes you sparkle from the inside out. Make it a priority. Do it every day. Not just for you, but for everyone around you as well. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

5. Share your gifts

You have been given a sparkling array of experiences, lessons, talents and passions that is totally unique to you. It is your right and your responsibility to figure out how the world could most benefit from what you have to give, and give it.

6. Trust your intuition

She is always speaking to you, sometimes gently and sometimes at the top of her lungs. She knows so much more than your logical brain and she can lead you on the magical adventures your heart desires – all you have to do is listen and trust.

7. Speak your truth

Say what is deeply true for you in any given moment and watch your life open up like a flower in bloom. Speaking your truth can be terrifying because anything that is not meant for you will quickly fall away, but that is only to make space for the people and experiences that are truly aligned with who you are. You have a song to sing that is yours alone. So sing it with all your heart.

8. Embrace your wildness

There is an undeniable fierceness within you. Like a raging fire burning bright from the centre of your being. This part of you is powerful and wise – it burns for truth, justice and simplicity. To unleash this part of you simply reconnect with the ultimate wild woman: Mother Nature. Let your toes dig into the earth. Dance in the moonlight. Dive deep into the swelling waves of the ocean. Remember who you are.

9. Celebrate your blessings

No matter how dark things may seem, there is always something to be grateful for. What made you smile today? Who made your day a little brighter? Focus on the good that already exists in your life and it will inevitably expand.

 10. Know your worth

You are worthy of love, happiness, fulfilment, connection, joy … and anything else your gorgeous heart desires. Surround yourself with people, situations and experiences that love, cherish, honour and celebrate you, just as you do for yourself.

Catherine WrightCatherine M-Wright is a writer, dancer, teacher, sunshine-seeker and tree-hugger. She runs Goddess Gatherings in Sydney and Terrigal to create space for women to feel connected, inspired and empowered.

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