Create Your Own Affirmations

If you are visiting this site by choice, not by accident, then the chances are you already know what Affirmation is all about! 

However, just in case you aren’t sure about that, here is the way I see how it works:

Affirmations are positive present tense statements that aim to change your thought patterns. If you are open and receptive, they can affect your conscious and subconscious mind. The words composing the affirmations bring up related mental images or thoughts that could inspire, energize and motivate you. Repeating affirmations through time can influence your behavior, habits, actions and reaction. 

But point of cautions here, it only works if you are open and believe in your affirmations. If you are repeating an affirmation of “I have perfect health”, but in your mind, you actually keep saying to yourself “What am I kidding? This is just lying, it is simply silly”. Then you are only doing a lip service, your feelings are completely misaligned and certainly the affirmation won’t work. So go easy, be open to the possibility that you CAN have perfect health, you can return to your optimal natural state of good health. Think about Ease, instead of Dis-Ease. 

The universe only response to how you feel not what you say. 

It is easy to create your own affirmations.

First, start with what is that in your life you may want to change. For example, if you feel dull and stuck in life, then look at what is that you really want. In this case perhaps you want more creativity and excitements.

So you can write down “I am creative and there are plenty of pleasant surprises coming into my life”. You can use a post-it note and stick it on your bathroom mirror, window in your study, on your computer screen or in the kitchen. Wherever that is easy for you to see and to be reminded. You can do a little coloring or drawing to make it pretty and fun. Again, endless possibilities to create your affirmations. 

Recently I have created my very first set of affirmation cards. Each of the card corresponds to a particular chakra and the imagery, colors and affirmations are all aligned with that chakra too. 

Today I would like to share with you my Creativity Card, which corresponds to the Sacral Chakra. Next month we aim to share with you more about chakra as well, so stay tuned! 



I am creative and self-nurturing. 

I look after my physical and emotional well-being. 

I am comfortable with intimacy and I honor loving relationships.

My thoughts are peaceful, hopeful and uplifting.

I am focused and I take inspired actions everyday.

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