Is Your Home Where Your Heart Is?

We often talk about the benefits of gratitude however, what if you are finding it hard to find a time to reflect, to create a space in your busyness to be grateful?

You may be experiencing a sense of overwhelm, too many things happening at once and living in a state of confusion, not knowing what the main priority of your life is. Is it yourself, your work, your friends, your community? Or all of the above?

In the constant need to be doing, how can you possibly bring gratefulness into your life?

Do you feel you have any warmth left in you to bring home to your family, housemates and yourself? Or are you plain “out of juice”, walking in the door with nothing but emptiness, resentment, anger and stress wondering what life is all about?

Here are some examples of how your mood could be influencing the energy you are bringing into your life, and to your relationships.

Exhaustion is a dragging energy.

Overwhelm is a scattered energy.

Resentment puts out a dark heavy energy.

Disconnection can feel like a cold and icy energy.

Maybe you are not the only one in your home that feels like this, where is the love and who can give it?

Something needs to change, to bring in some love and positivity or else you may be living in an emotional desert of nothingness, disconnection, disappointment and aloneness. Where is the energy of the heart and love? Tug of wars with others becomes the norm, and how can you be in a state of gratitude when you are spending your energy elsewhere.

As a fellow human being and therapist, I am very aware of  the need for balance in life, between work and play, interests, family, friends, relationships and home. I am also aware of the need for rest, relaxation and pleasure, so that I can bring my open heartedness home. It is not always easy!

Can you take responsibility for your part of in the co-creation of bringing positive energy into your home? Do you dare to take a journey inside to reevaluate your beliefs, issues and needs? What are your human limits and how can you change your energy and your life/home? Balance equals harmony!

And with this, in those times of balance, harmony – there will be moments of reflection, and if you choose you can grow a sense of gratitude.

So where to begin:

  • Start your day with a positive loving intention
  • Stay away from negativity and gossip
  • Move your body and have fun! Swim, run, skip, stretch, roll or laugh.
  • Body/mind exercises are a wonderful combination of grounding, breathing and moving energy and emotions. Express yourself openly!
  • Create a pie chart so that you can see which parts of your life are out of balance. You may quickly see from this exercise what needs to change.
  • If you are stuck with any emotions, ask yourself why? Become curious about yourself. Being out of sorts on a regular basis and suffering needs to be challenged. Remember there is light at the end of the tunnel.

By bringing the energy of love into your home, you are bringing in the most beautiful energy on the planet! It is warm, fuzzy and delightful, it ripples through and touches everything and everyone. It is like a flower blossoming, there is sweetness everywhere. What a true delight to live in this way, replenishing and rejuvenating, life is good. You really do matter!

To change your energy and your life, contact Leslee for a one on one session to take the journey to your Core (Heart) and bring YOUR heart to your home!

Leslee HughesLeslee Hughes is one of the most senior members of Core Energetics in Australia.  She is an experienced Body Mind Psychotherapist (Somatic Psychotherapist) who works in Sydney  & the Central Coast of New South Wales NSW. Leslee is a Member of the Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia and a Clinical member of the Counsellor’s and Psychotherapists Association.

Leslee works one on one with individuals, couples, families and is able to do phone or Skype sessions.You can ring Leslee on 0407934499 or email
Check out Leslee’s website for more details: