7 Day Chakra Experience: Expanding into Gratitude

This month we will be exploring the Chakra System, an subtle energy system that is commonly used in our language today, often referring to our subtle energy system and stems from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or vortex.

It is believed that the chakras are energy centres in our body where energy flows – meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels. Over the 7 days we invite you to explore these chakra points from a perspective of building an awareness of yourself, what you are attracting into your life, being mindful of things you want to change while continuing to build a sense of gratitude for all that you have right now.

Our 7 day experience will commence on 12 November to coincide with the New Moon in Scorpio. A perfect time to look within, seek to understand yourself more truly and be open for transformation. These 7 days will allow you to look at each area of your life via the chakras and if you are noticing there are areas that may need a little support, you can apply the activities and support we provide into your daily routine.

New Moons are a great time to refocus our energies and have a tendency to heighten energy around your emotional and inner self. They offer a great chance to take a pause, reflect on the lunar month we’re leaving behind and focus our intentions for the lunar month ahead. So we believe, a perfect time to support yourself on your own personal transformation  pathway.

If you would like to take part, please register.