It’s Not You, Its Me…Or A Past Life

During my college years, I heard this popular break up line a lot: “Its not you, its me”. But I was told that the underlying meaning is actually the opposite. Its You who is the problem. If you ask me, I found dating in my early 20s extremely confusing. I doubt I understood myself or my behavioral pattern at all. In my case, it was definitely Me.

As I grew older and wiser, I became more eager to understand and really know myself, especially why and how I act or react in a certain way.

I guess when the student is ready, the teacher will show up.

Just about that time, I often listened to Hay House radio, an internet radio channel that broadcasts uplifting and inspiring shows featuring some of my favorite authors such as Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Doreen Virtue. By then I was not a newbie to meditation and esoteric studies. When I heard about Dr. Brian Weiss’s work on Past Life Regression, my light bulb just lit up.

During that time, I had several glimpses of memories of another life time in my meditations. It was like watching a movie set in a different time and space inside my mind. It was very vivid, the emotions were very real and raw. All of those memories seem like fragments of a longer story and I was keen to retrieve more of it. At that time, I was deeply reflecting on my relationship pattern and I wanted to move away from my past self-sabotage behaviours and embrace new healthier ones.

I then contacted a local therapist and booked in a proper Past Life Regression session. The benefits I experienced were immediate. One example in particular, I regressed to a medieval life time where I was a healer, herbalist and spiritual teacher. My work was well respected by the local community and I dedicated my life to heal and educate others. I lived a quiet country life which allowed me to be very close to nature and to study. But that peaceful and fulfilling life didn’t last long. When the Romans came to evade our land, they were ordered to killed people like me. I still vividly remember that day when I was riding and running away with my husband, the soldiers caught up with us, they shot us with arrows. My husband was on another horse right behind me and somehow he managed to shield me, but he was killed by an arrow that shot through his heart. I narrowly managed to escape and survived. I felt deeply sadden by this trauma and I vowed that I would never want to cause any harm to anyone who loved or cared for me.

From that regression, I knew that the reason why I was never able to whole heartedly commit into a long term relationship was because I fear somehow I would hurt the person closest to me in a dramatic way or I would spend rest of my life in sorrow if that love was taken away from me.

Of course these beliefs were not true but there was an imprint on my mind and it affected how I feel about relationships. With Past Life Regression, I was able to heal from that trauma and change my current life since then.

After reading most of Dr Brian Weiss’s books, an opportunity came up to go to the US to attend professional training with him back in 2009. I was thrilled. I took that wonderful training and I met and treated many people who have healed from regression since then. Each regression is an unique spiritual experience where you know, time and time again, there is no death. Birth and death are both a continuation of life, not the beginning or the end of it.

Dr. Brian Weiss is coming to Australia next week to speak in Melbourne. If you feel drawn to this modality, it will be a good opportunity to meet this master.

If you would like to arrange a Past Life Regression with me, you can email me directly at
