Wake Up And Become A Sharman

Meredith ~ a spirited woman has been part of our Embrace Life Festivals for a few years. Her name is actually Meredith Louise Moonsoul Wilson and she often hosts workshops about her life experience, her spiritual practice and how you can embrace change. This month Sze Wing finally gets a chance to talk to her up-close and personal about dreaming.

As the conversation begins, Meredith shares about her own lucid dreaming experience. “I was just sleeping, but then it was like I was floating upwards and I was next to the ceiling light. Although I was dreaming, it felt as if I woke up outside of my body. But then when my fear set in, I completely woke up”.

Personally I have had quite a few intriguing dream experiences, from time to time dreaming about how I could use my mind to focus and to elevate from the ground. The feeling of moving upward and the air pressure below my feet were just so real. Sometimes also experiencing what people called astro-travelling. Being weightless floating in the universe, in the utter space and feeling so connected to the source energy. Like I am ONE with everyone and everything.

But just like Meredith, whenever fear or doubt sets in, it all stops.

Meredith and I also talked about dream interpretation. Meredith said to me that the same dream symbol could mean different things to different people; it is all about your perspective and it’s the intuitive feeling you have that truly counts.

She said, “Our conscious mind always tries to make sense of what our subconscious mind is trying to say.” Shamanism is all about using our altered state of consciousness to see and experience our reality (to receive insights) but without attachment. To me, those attachments are simply fear or doubt, and they are just illusions. I love what she said later on, “We all need to wake up to become a Sharman”.

What she said really resonated with me.

Our mind is so accustomed to the 3 dimensional realities. When I get into the altered state of consciousness, I stop putting a boundary of What Is and What Isn’t. I then often receive insights to my questions, clarity on my next action and most importantly, I become more aware of what am I most grateful for in my life.

Her last piece of advice was also very profound. “Gratitude is such a state of grace, be in touch with this grace often, be grateful with what you have and not necessarily what you want. This shift in focus will occur as you no longer hold on to fear and bitterness and you will begin to start loving and enjoying what you have and receive healing on another level.”

Meredith is a gifted healer who offers reading, one-on-one meditations, healing and spiritual mentoring. You can find out more about her via her web site: http://www.aspiritedwoman.com