Balancing Your Chakras Through Gratitude

Tomorrow with the beautiful new moon energy of Scorpio, the sign of deep, personal transformation we will begin our first day of the 7 Day Chakra Experience: Expanding into Gratitude.

If you want to join us, please register below:

Sign Up Here

Here is a short introduction on the Chakra system, and what to expect from the experience however, you will need to register to get the full benefits of our 7 day focus.

Introducing the Chakra System

As you set an intention and interact with all the wonderful material provided you might find yourself wondering: What is a Chakra? And how does focusing on this, expand my state of Gratitude?

Chakras are our energy centers and vital channel of our life-force current. They project outward to and through the universe. Chakra is a Sanskrit word and it means “Wheel” or “Vortex”. Each Chakra is like a vortex of energy interpenetrating the physical body, in the same way that a magnetic field can interpenetrate the physical body.

Chakras are associated with our physical, mental and emotional interactions. Their functions are to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. There are seven major chakras.

Chakra systemThe base or root chakra (“muladhara”) is located at the base of your spine. The seventh chakra (crown or “sahasrara”) is located on the top of your head. The remaining chakras, (sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, and third eye) are aligned in sequence along your spine, neck, and skull.

The Chakras interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven main Chakras discussed here are associated with one of the seven endocrine glands and also with a particular group of nerves called a plexus.

Chakras can hold stuck energy from old reactive patterns and fear, which may be blocking health, happiness and manifestation in specific ways. These blocks can stop the natural flow of your magnetic energy moving inward or outward. In the next 7 days, as we will work on each Chakra, we are re-focusing on our positive life force energy and re-balancing these energy centers.

As a result, we will move through any blocks and will facilitate the natural flow of abundant energy and universal synchronicity to your life, and we believe will be expanding our energy into one of the highest vibration – a state of grace and gratitude.

What will the 7 Day Experience provide?Yoga on the beach

During the week, you will be provided meditations, affirmations, practical tools and a range of different sources that you can dip into or immerse yourself in the areas you feel you need to focus on. These meditations will enable you to move beyond the mind chatter and access a stillness that we all have within.

A Facebook online event page has also been created as part of the overall experience.

This is so you can connect with each other and share experiences, we recommend you join this today, surrounding yourselves with other people who are focusing on the same intent will heighten your experience as well as tap into each other’s wisdom and knowledge through our daily exchange.

Holding this awareness, focus and a daily practice will also allow your body, mind and spirit to relax into your true essence, into the present moment and where we believe the vibration of Gratitude resides within us all.

Once you register, what is the next step? 

Starting from tomorrow, you will receive an email each morning which will include information regarding each Chakra, for example their physical and emotional associations as well as what it governs. We’ll also share with you meditations, energetic exercises, affirmations, food suggestions, crystals and essential oils that can help to balance each Chakra.

Don’t worry if you are reading this and have missed out registering from day 1, you can still join the Facebook page and once we receive your details, we can send you the previous material, so you can always access it.

There will be heaps of great information and fun exercises for you to try! So please share this email with your friends & family and invite them to sign up! Only those who signed up will receive these daily goodies! 

Sign Up Here

And that’s not all!

As you know, we all are about Gratitude, and love to give to our community. So at the end of this 7 Day Experience, we will be announcing  our lucky draw winners. We have a lot to give way to the participants, and always with immense love and gratitude.



1 x Chakra Love Fest Package from Coastal Healer Valentina Mathias

3 x Gratitude Passes to our upcoming Northern Beaches festival

10 x One Set of Affirmation Cards from Intuitive Coach Sze Wing Yip

1 x Secret Surprise Draw Prize!


So we look forward to you joining us, enjoying the 7 Day Chakra Experience: Expanding Into Gratitude, and see you on the other side!

Sign Up Here