Stop Sabotaging Your Life

Our subconscious mind can be a tricky little thing. It can run all these hidden programs that we are not aware of. Some of them are good, like keeping our heart pumping blood and ensuring that our lungs are continually breathing oxygen. And others are not so good. Other programs can create what I call limiting beliefs.

That little devil on your shoulder constantly whispering to you that you are not good enough, that no one will ever love you etc.

If you listen to these limiting beliefs long enough, then you begin to start putting psychological blocks in place that can end up sabotaging the life that you want.

So how can we identify these limiting beliefs, if they are in our subconscious programming? Sometimes we say them out loud without even realising it i.e. “Nobody ever listens to me”. If we have that belief, then it is indeed very likely that no one will listen to you, because that is what you are projecting out into the universe. You are telling the universe that you are not worth listening too.

Sometimes we have to do a little digging to find out if we have any limiting beliefs running as subconscious programs in our minds. To that end, I would like you to do a series of exercises to see if you have any limiting beliefs currently affecting your lives.

Exercise 1: Write down a list of the things that you would do if you had 5 million dollars?

Looking at your list, is there anything on it that you can do now? If yes, which ones are they? If the answer is no, why not? What is stopping you from taking action today?

The next thing we are going to have a look at is what makes you happy?

Exercise 2: Write out a list of all the things that make you happy.

How many things on your list are you doing right now? If you are not regularly doing them, why not? What is stopping you from doing the things that you love? You might want to jot those down as well.

Limiting beliefs can also stop us from having rewarding careers or love lives.

Let’s look at your career first. Here are some questions for you to ponder.

  • Are you in the job that you like?
  • Or would you like to try something different but are worried about whether you will succeed or not?
  • Do you venture forward your ideas for projects, plans, presentations etc?
  • Do you speak up in meetings?
  • Do you regularly ask for pay rises or go for promotions? If not, what is stopping you?

Exercise 3: Take some time to write down any blocks that you think you might have in terms of your career. Can you find any limiting beliefs in there?

Next let’s have a look at relationships, both platonic and romantic. Events from our lives can shape the way that we look at relationships.

If we were bullied at school or didn’t have many friends, this can have an impact on our ability to make and keep friends in our present.

  • Did you have many friends as a child? If you didn’t, how did this make you feel?
  • Were you bullied or ostracised as a child/teenager? If you were, what impacts has this had on your life?
  • Have you ever had a best friend? If no, why do you think that is?
  • Do you find it easy to create new friendships?
  • Can you easily maintain your friendships?

When it comes to romantic relationships, there are a number of reasons, things might not be clicking as you want them to.

  • Maybe your parents got separated while you were growing up? This can have an impact on any child. If it was a bitter break up, even more so.
  • Have you suffered from a bad break up yourself?
  • Have you ever had a partner cheat on you? And if so, how has that impacted your ability to open yourself up to love again?
  • If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel like it’s an equal partnership? Or is one party always giving and the other party always taking? Why do you think that may be?

Exercise 4: Have a think about both your platonic and romantic relationships. Are any of the questions posed above relevant to your life right now? Write down everything that comes to mind

Now that you have compiled all of your lists, are there any limiting beliefs that you can see that might be having an impact on how you want to live your life? If there are, how important is it to you, to be able to clear these limiting beliefs?

If you have found some Limiting Beliefs, what are the next steps?

Sometimes just realising that they are there can be enough. Sometimes bringing them up from your subconscious mind up to your conscious mind, allows you to acknowledge them and then make changes based on this new information.

However, there are other times, where you may need a little help letting go of these limiting beliefs. This is where Kinesiology can benefit you. Once the limiting beliefs are identified, Kinesiology can help you to let go of them and help you work towards the life that you want.

Liesl FrankLiesl Frank – Based in Sydney’s Inner West is a registered Holistic Kinesiologist and Facial Radiance Practitioner. Liesl is dedicated and passionate about enabling people to realise their dreams. You can find out more details,