Creating A Life Of Beauty In The New Year

We all love the concept of starting something new! The energy and excitement that goes along with starting a New Year is a great time to harness our ability to be creative with our thoughts and manifest our best year yet.  If our thoughts create our reality, then how do we let go of old patterns in the hope of getting something new and exciting to appear in our lives?

It always helps to know what it is that you want.  What would bring you more Joy?  What would you love more of in your life? Write it down … it can be as simple or as detailed as you like.  Spend some time in quiet reflection and make your list. Ask yourself: Will this empower me?  Will it awaken me to my truth?  Will it bring me closer to my divine purpose?

Identify what your fears are around receiving it. What is holding you back? Is there anyone you need to send love and forgiveness to who may be linked to these fears?  This process can sometimes be tough, allow yourself the time to do it well.  Letting go of fear is a vital step in manifesting … you cannot receive anything if you fear NOT getting it.  Trust that all your needs are taken care of. If fear is an issue for you, try using tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) to let go of specific fears. It is a magical self-help tool that is easily learned. Try to find some helpful videos when starting out.

The next step is important … take the time to acknowledge your own giftedness, to see yourself as valuable, to know that you have specific qualities given to you for a Divine purpose. Write a list of your positive qualities and create a sense of awe for the being that you are.  It helps to have positive people around you, valuing you, supporting you, inspiring you.

Keep your intent to be of service, rather than simply fulfilling your own wants and the Universe will be there to support you.  Allow yourself to be guided to people, places and opportunities where you can serve others. When we use our gifts in service of others, life takes on the energy of ‘flow’ rather than struggle. Living with integrity is essential to the process. Intention is everything!

A great way to stay in gratitude is to ask yourself “How blessed am I?” and “How does it get any better than this?”  Start noticing the small signs of grace and perfection in your life and allow them to magnify. Spend time in nature and be inspired by the beauty around you.

Sit in appreciation of the clean air, the colours, the reflections, the sounds.  Become fully present to what nature has provided and be thankful.  Allow the energy of gratitude to lift your spirits, to permeate your being and to allow your heart to sing.  If you are vibrating at a high frequency, you will manifest your desire much faster.  You need to be a ‘vibrational match’ to that which you hope to create in your life.

One of my favourite authors, Wayne Dyer said it so perfectly: Assume the energy of the wish fulfilled.  Create the feelings as if you already have your desired outcome.  Make it your practice to return to this ‘feeling’ as often as you can throughout your day. Continue to re-mind yourself what it looks like, what it feels like, how it begins to create change in your life when you already have your desired outcome.

When you feel yourself stuck, ask:  What else is possible? Allow the Universe an opportunity to guide you to the next open door like an innocent and trusting child.  Avoid getting into an energy of resistance.  No self pity, no blame, no anger, no frustration … only gratitude and acceptance.

Say it calmly to yourself: This … or something better.  Who knows what wonderful things may arrive to create your most beautiful and amazing life yet!!

Nici VerriestNici Verriest is a Registered Nurse and energy healer practicing NAET on the Central Coast, NSW.  She specializes in the healing of allergies and other imbalances using acupressure and kinesiology, helping to improve both chronic and acute illness by supporting the immune system.