2016: A New Year, Time For A Mind Body Detox

At the start of the new year, we often spend time thinking about the year that has just passed and what we want to manifest for the year to come.

Manifesting is all about being clear about intention and remaining in an openness to receive, so while in this state of preparation, why not also take a few moments to “declutter”, and create a space to nurture your seeds of inspiration?

This month we are offering a few ways you may want to consider to purify, detox and declutter your mind, body and soul.

How is your body feeling right now? 

Have you heard the old adage that you are what you eat? We are not suggesting you need to go full force on a newly announced fad diet or a fast track program to look like a Victoria’s Secret model by the end of the month, however, when we get stressed or overwhelmed there is a tendency to grab whatever food is around and not consider this is what we are consuming.

What fuels you, keeps your mind sharp and allows you to radiate a life full of energy and light, starts with what you put into your body. The principles of detoxing is pretty straightforward: focus on clean, living, nutrient-dense foods that will give you maximum nutrition with minimum stress to the body.

So here is a simple Detoxing Juice you may want to consider.

Green Detoxing JuiceDetoxing 2016

What You Need:

2 apples

¼ cucumber

1 stick of celery

1 handful of spinach

A handful of mixed green leaves (e.g. parsley and watercress)

Ice cubes ( optional)


Stick ingredients into the blender, and viola!

All the fresh greens will cleanse your digestive system and balance the acidity within your gut, and if you want to add some variety consider Google, sourcing a great recipe book or just try out what vegetables or fruits you can find and enjoy.

The “rule of thumb” is to aim for a more vegetables to fruit ratio however, it is always best to go with whatever tastes good when you start, as there is nothing enjoyable about drinking something you don’t find pleasant. Then as you create this into a daily habit, consider increasing the vegetable/green ratio to fruit, as your palate adjusts.

Incorporating cleansing juices into your daily regime are tasty and give your body a chance to flush out any unwanted toxins. If you already have a juicer, a trip to your organic grocer or farmers market will be full of seasonal vegetables and fruits, or you may find companies that will ship juices to your door. You can also consider adopting a wonderful smoothie (we have shared a few of these in previous months) or raw vegetables, and remember to always keep your hydration high with lots of wonderful filtered water (with a little lemon juice).

Don’t feel you have to radically change your diet, as this can also bring up feelings of resistance, just incorporate what you feel is right for you, know this is a wonderful way to support your body and take things as quickly or slowly as resonates with you.

Here is another wonderful recipe for your body:

If you are looking to cool off from the summer heat and rehydrate your body why not create our Cucumber Mint Aloe Glaze. This soothing treatment is designed to repair skin suffering from sunburn or overexposure to the elements. The first course of action if you are suffering from sunburn is to get the heat out of the skin. The cooling and refreshing properties of the cucumber and mint will ease the heat out of your body while the active ingredients of aloe vera will give your skin a moisture surge.

Cucumber Mint Aloe Glaze RecipeAloe Vera

What You Need:

1/4 cup of cucumber, shredded with skin

1/4 cup of finely chopped mint leaves

1/2 cup of aloe vera gel

5 drops of Lavender essential oil

3 drops of German chamomile essential oil


Place the cucumber, mint leaves and aloe vera gel into a blender and puree. Add the essential oils and puree a little more. Refrigerate for approximately 30 minutes to allow for the gel to set. Apply to the affected areas. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse off.

Other things you can consider is finding time to include gentle exercise (yoga, walking, pilates) to support and energise the body, focus on your breathing and/or look to add 5 to 10 minutes to your day for your meditative practice. Take some time to read Our 5 Steps To Move Into 2016, maybe there is a few things to let go of on an energetic level to assist you getting ready for the year ahead.

So now you have taken time to focus on your body, mind and soul – consider your external environment?

Cleansing is not just about removing your inner clutter. Our homes and work environment can often be a reflection on what is happening on the inside. So why, not look at things that do not serve you anymore, that you do not want to continue to surround you in 2016, decluttering is a wonderful way to create space for the new.

Once you space is clear, create a special space for your Dream Board and all the things that will bring you joy. You may want to consider a plant, a painting or a crystal to support your vision, check out our article on How to Energise Your 2016 Dreams for some ideas.

Join us in our January Gratitude experience, Infinite Possibilities: A Deliberate Creation with Gratitude.

And while you are getting ready to join us, consider other wonderful ways to cleanse your environment through smudging and lighting an intention with a candle or sweet lemongrass, I often do this with the wonderful Abalone sets created by our community member, Vanessa Teklenburg and with the New Moon on the 10th it is a wonderful time to start the process of co-creating.

We wish you a month of dreaming and setting of intentions for a wonderful 2016, full of moments of pure joy, love and gratitude, and all that your heart desires.