A Year Of Infinite Possibilities


As the start of the year, it is the perfect time to talk about deliberate creation and infinite possibilities. We all live in a field of invisible energy, we too, are part of this filed of energy. Some may call ourselves “an extension of source energy”, some may use the term “a spark of divine light”. Whatever the terms that you are comfortable with, the basic premise is the same: We are all part of this invisible energy field, and within this all-mighty field, there are infinite possibilities.

So with this premise, we are able to create what we desire.

However, there are few things we got to bear in mind.

  1. Whatever you focus on expands.  
  1. Your beliefs and expectations affect your reality. 

For instance, if you focus all your energy on what you don’t have, or say how unfair you have been treated, you will find more evidence to support your claim. Those unfair incidences either become more visible or they simply occur more frequently. Since what you think and feel (i.e. your beliefs and expectations) impact the energy field, you affect your reality by focusing on what you don’t want, in this case, unfair treatments, and more of those will manifest itself.

So golden nuggets # 1 for the new year is:

Focus on what you have and what are you are grateful for, not what you don’t have. 

Now it is not to say we should ignore all unhealthy situations in life and simply turn a blind eye. It is about seeing the sliver lining and focus on what is the blessing in disguise. Look for the positive aspects and outcomes. There is no dark switch in the room, only a light switch.

Now, 2 more reminders:

  1. You are connected to everyone and everything in this universe.
  1. The universe is limitless, abundant and constantly recalibrating for us. 

Since we are all energy, and we all co-exist in this invisible energy field, there is no place where your consciousness stops and mine starts. We are all connected in this energy field. Therefore, the pain and suffering of one side of the world can be felt and understood in another. The same goes with our prayers and love, they can be experienced and validated in the receiving end or other parts of the world. (More details please refer to the book The Intention Experiment by Lynne M. Taggart published in 2007 )

Miracles do happen when we have the right mind set. You may have experienced one of those moments when you knew there is no coincidence where you meet certain important individuals or event at certain time and certain place. We may not be able the predict what the universe is going to bring us next, but we are certain that there are limitless scenarios that can definitely blow our mind.

And here goes our golden nugget # 2:

Be a deliberate creator, you can manifest your desired life. 

If you enjoy reading this article, we would like to invite you to join us on our Infinite Possibilities: A Deliberate Creation with Gratitude experience to kick start your new year with new intention for a better life. You can sign up here.

Once you sign up for this experience, you will receive a Infinite Possibilities: A Deliberate Creation with Gratitude playbook on the 17th January with exercises and games to help you to start creating a new desired life. Our Facebook page will also be live to serve as a forum to share your experience.

Then on the 24th January, the day of full moon, you will receive a recorded celebration ceremony with meditation, blessings and success stories via a video link to fully integrate and celebrate your experience.

Click Here to Get Started