Creating Your Year 2016

As a numerologist I often play with the numbers: What will today bring? What is the number vibration of a business name? And in a new year (both as a collective and for my own personal life), What does a new year mean?

So we have just entered into 2016, what vibration does this hold?

Based on numerology, we have all been given a set of numbers based on your date of birth that correspond to our life-path, (what we are here to learn/experience); our personality (what we present to the world) and our destiny number (what we will receive as we integrate and walk true to our path).

This art of numerology is based on the cyclic nature of numbers and the vibrations that evolve over time.

When looking at a new year, the numbers provide us a general overview of the energy of the year both on a personal level and more broadly, as a collective or a general trend for the year, as each universal year represents a kind of planetary vibration.

As 2016, is a 9 year – this is a year of completion, each cycle goes in a series of 9, and so you may also hear that this is a karmic year. Many things that started in 2008, will now being coming to completion or will need to be completed. So you may find what you planted in 2008, is now coming into fruition or may come back for you to resolve, effectively what you planted in your year 1 has now returned.

Firstly, you may ask how did we get to the number 9?

You take the year i.e. 2016, and reduce it down to a single digit as such: 2+0+1+6=9.

The number 9 correlates to being of service, universal love and has a global humanitarian energy. We could sum up 2016 at an universal level in three words – completion (or karmic), rest and forgiveness.

So you may find relationships will come to an end or feel they have met their purpose, you may move homes or at least be more inclined to get rid of things that no longer serve you, you could experience a revisiting of things or even, needed to give something a 2nd go, one final try!

I always see the year 9 aligned with the Balsamic Moon phase, what is it that needs to be let go before the beginning of the New Moon. So you may also have many moments of spiritual clarity, or a needing to release, so try not to hold onto things too tightly as if it is time to let go, it will go anyway, it will just depend on how you experience it, with love and flow, or some kind of unpleasantry as you cling on too tight.

You may be inclined to finish off old projects, a time to clean out the decks and set yourself up for the beginning of the next cycle which will be in 2017.

Now this is only on an universal perspective, and we will get to your own personal year number shortly.

This universal energy will still play out in your life as we are all connected and you may also see it play out in our governments, global/local news, families/friends, communities, organisations and structures.

Remember the key words are completion, rest and forgiveness. So whatever you decide to bring in for 2016 take it easy and allow. Before things arrive you may need to allow others to fall away, or to let go of a firmly held belief for a new one to form, the key is to trust that all is unfolding as it is meant to.

OK, so now how does this relate to your personal year. 

To calculate your personal year number for 2016, you need to use your date of birth.

I’ll use an example: 19/7/1975

Break it into single digits: 1+9+7+1+9+7+5 = 36,

And then keep reducing to you get a single digit: 3 +9 = 12; to then, 1 +2 = 3

So in this example, your Personal Year would be a 3.

Here is a quick overview, on each of the personal year vibrations. Please consider, this is not a prediction however, I always find, when I align with my personal year vibration things tend to flow easily, whereas sometimes when things don’t move as easily, it can be an indication as to why.

Personal Year 1 – it is a new beginning for you, time to plant your seeds for the next cycle and a perfect time to start something new. You may be placed in a situation when you will need to step up in your leadership or strengthen your sense of self. Often people will start a business, or take a few steps into a new reality, it is definitely a great year to begin, don’t feel you need to force things and it may not happen straight away, as we have just shown the cycles are in 9 years, but what you plant in your year 1 is a foundation for the years to come.

Personal Year 2 – this is a year of relationships, platonic, intimate and business, how do you relate to others and how do you allow this to influence the “you” that you present to the world. With the universal energy of the 9 as well, you may see some relationships needing to be allowed to go, and be open to receive new to arrive, you also are being asked to be more receptive and “connect” to your essence, you may also feel your intuition sharpens as you connect to the feminine qualities of the 2 energy.

Personal Year 3 – a great year for social interactions, gatherings and celebration. Time to expand your sense of self, lighten up and enjoy life in general. You may find yourself in more situations to connect, your circle of friends will increase and you may even be more talkative than usual. I always give a disclaimer in a year 3 to ensure you balance this energy with rest and recharge, to ensure you don’t stretch yourself to thinly, but the energy of the 3 is the child, and with the childlike energy it is a year of excitement and play.

Personal Year 4 – this is the year of building the foundations, planning and discipline. I have just left my year 4, it was a year of planning and designing a new home, and getting the foundations right in my business, it can be feel like a year of hard work. You may be asked to review and refine, look further into things to ensure it is correct and put things in place for your new ideas to flourish.

Personal Year 5 – a year of movement, after the previous year of discipline can feel liberating and time to make things happen. It is also a great year for self-expression, communication, healing and developing your voice. You may also find that travel will play a part in this year and there is change afoot.

Personal Year 6 – this is a year for you to focus on your health, harmony in the home and balance. Perhaps you have been working too hard, it is time to reserve your action energy and look to attract things in the “being”, become a magnet through visualisation, meditation and deliberate creation. Not to say this isn’t a good intent for everyone at any time but in the year 6, we are reminded of putting our energy into our home, family, health and for all the things that are important to us.

Personal Year 7 – this is a great year for self discovery, higher learning and introspection, what are your core beliefs and are you living true to yourself. Deep meditation can reveal major insights and you may even find yourself opening up more psychically. Consider also bringing in your dream journals as you open up to valuable insights. If you were considering studying or exploring something that will enrich your soul, I would definitely encourage you to go with your instincts with this, and see where your journey takes you.

Personal Year 8 – this is a year around abundance, control and power. It can be challenging if these areas are not a strong suit for you and sometimes these years can bring situations, where you need to reclaim your power where perhaps you have let it go. It can also be a great year of materialising abundance, it really does come down to what work and seeds you have planted in the years before, as it can also be one of the final hurdles you need to face into order to bring in what you are desiring.

Personal Year 9 – this is the year of transformation and endings. And as we are also having an universal year of the 9, this could be a big year for you in a completion cycle on many levels. You may find yourself quite challenged, and yet it also will be a time when you will have stronger access to personal power. Remember, it is a great year to be clear on what you want to create, letting go what no longer aligns with this, and with love to let it go, you are setting yourself up for your new cycle – so the three words of completion, rest and forgiveness will be doubly key for you this year.

And there you have it, 2016 based briefly on the numerological aspect – remember, this is not a pre-determinant, we are far too unique and wonderful to be captured by a generic overview, rather be aware of the vibration that will be supporting and around us this year, and if things feel right then tap into the flow.