Cruising with Abraham- Hicks

My very first South Pacific 5 Stars cruising experience was literally manifested via the Law of Attraction.

Some time ago I throw it to the Universe and said: “I’d love to get on a luxury Cruise, it will be fantastic if there are spiritual lectures on board with teachers I like, I want more than 7 days but less than 2 weeks. I don’t want to fly to a location, it has to be from Sydney. I like to go somewhere warm and fun. I want a deluxe cabin. And I trust that all will be manifested in Divine right timing!”

So in less than 12 months, I was onboard with Abraham-Hicks for 12 nights and it was so much fun!

The South Pacific islands are such delights, clear blue water, soft sand, big coconut trees, colorful sea creatures and all the cultural experiences you saw on postcards or lonely planet, they are exactly Just Like That. I also loved being on a gigantic ship, the feeling of moving and floating above water, constantly motioning forward to our next destination.

Apart from those amazing things that naturally cheer up your spirit and we easily “take it for granted”, I couldn’t help but to notice how happy everyone is onboard. Mind you, a good 500 guests out of 2000 or so are participants of the Abraham-Hicks group, and you can easily spotted them as they were those EXTRA friendly, happy and fun people.

One of the subjects that people often asked during our lectures is on the topic of manifestation and deliberate creation. As it is the beginning of the year, it seems like the perfect timing to bring that up, as many of us tend to plan goals, create vision boards and so on during this time.

For example, you may hear something along those lines:

As you said, we are extension of source energy, we are deliberate creators and we can manifest our own reality. If we can think it, feel it, we can have it …. I believe it is possible, and I can feel it even …  but …hmmm … Where is my stuff? What is my Lamborghini? Where is my lover? I have been wanting for ages …. Ok, I know you’ll say it is in my vortex but the trouble is, how can I move it from there to here, say my bank, my garage and my bedroom?

I have been following Abraham-Hicks for years, and over time, I’ve heard so many different ways of asking this question and Abraham ALWAYS responded with the same answers, but in so many different ways of saying it. I know, it is weird. I have never heard Abraham came up with something that isn’t aligned with everything else that was being said Before or After. Not a single slipped up.

So if I may attempt to summarize the answers (which will not be as good as the way Abraham sad it for sure…)

Ask and Its Given Step 1, 2 & 3

As long as you live, life provides unless experiences which provides you with many contrasts, you know what you do want and what you don’t want. When you want something, you launch out a rocket of desire. That is Step 1. Then Step 2, the universe/source will take care of creating the best version of what you desire and it will be done. It will be in your energy vortex, just like an escrow waiting for you. For Step 3, all you need to do is to get to the vibrational proximity to the vortex. And by feeling good, being happy and having a high vibration (a popular term is high flying disc), you will naturally end up in your vortex and what you desire will be yielded to you or say manifested in your life.

But then this happen (more often than we would like to admit)

However, what so many of us do, is to doubt or fear after we launched that rocket of desire. When everything is in the “Process of Becoming”. We talk ourselves to a low flying disc, and we are nowhere close to the proximity of our vortex.

Whatever you focus on expands, when you keep on beating the drums of “I don’t have it or its impossible”, when you focus your energy on the “Not Having It”, this become the most active and dominant vibration you offer, not the vibration that manifest what you want. (Yes, this is the most counter production vibrational strategy one can imagine)

This situation may continue on and on as the more you beat the drum of “Not Having It”, and since it is hasn’t arrived yesterday, the more active this vibration becomes and so more matching manifestation of not having what you want scenarios occur in your life. Now you are totally convinced that you won’t have it, it can ever happen.

Consider this scenario

You are driving from Santiago to Phoenix. You were following your GPS, and it said it will take 10 hours on a road. Now, 3 hours down the road and you saw nothing that indicates you are in the proximity of Phoenix. Then 6 hours passed, still nothing. If you trust your GPS, you won’t not stop the car and say, “Phoenix is an impossible dream, it won’t happen. Let’s go back home.” That would just be silly. If you would just stay on the road for another hour, you may very well see the signs of Phoenix.

The Art of Allowing 

So the better way to get what you want is to allow the “Process of Becoming” happening, keep doing things or thinking thoughts that will yield you to a better feeling place, you may get inspired to take constructive actions to assist in accelerating this manifestation or you can ease into enjoying the journey of getting closer to your desire. Be easy on yourself, stop trying too hard to take score of how close you are or not, it will just drag you out of the vortex.

Take a nap. Reset your thoughts. Trust. Prepare to be delighted by the manifestation of your desire. You should have seen my face when I first saw Hay House advertising this cruise, “pleasantly surprised” would be a under statement! So enjoy your own process of becoming and of manifestation.

If you would like to learn more about Deliberate Creation, we have a wonderful experience launching on the 17th January called the Infinite Possibilities: Deliberate Creation with Gratitude. Once you sign up, you will receive a Manifestation Playbook with games and exercise that will help you to practice this Art of Allowing and trust in the limitless of this universe. We will also invite you to our Facebook Event Page so that you can share your experiences with us. It will be fun!

Click Here to Get Started