Energising Your 2016 Dream

So we have spent time saying goodbye to 2015, we have blessed all that it has given and have processed all that we want to take with us, or leave behind.

We then spend time creating in our mind what we want to bring in for 2016. We may even have created a dream board (or vision board), refined this to our one word or combo and with resolve, commitment and a firm intention, we step into the new year with new vigour and a determination – this will be the year when it all comes together!

For some of us, that is all that we need to do! As outlined in the wonderful advice given in our article around Deliberate Creation it really all that is required, or is it?

Well for some of us, we may trip over our tightly held subconscious beliefs that are on auto-pilot, sometimes we may not even be aware of their sabotaging nature to all that we want to co-create and manifest.

So how do we energise this intention, anchor it and keep focussed on the invigorating feeling that is already here?

Having a physical act or ritual, maintain a vibration of joy, anticipation and immense gratitude in the belief that what has been created is already here, well, some of us may need some assistance so here are a few things you may want to consider:

A Dream Board Sacred Space

When you have created your Dream Board, don’t leave it in the cupboard, nor ignore it – it is so important that you put it into an area that gives you a daily reminder of what you want to achieve, and in the process of it being in your awareness you are effectively energising it.

Creating a special space, or an altar is something you can do to keep your board in view, in doing so why not incorporate special objects: a feather, crystal, or something that means something to you and resonates with your vision.


Take time in your meditation to visualise the dream.  If it is a new home/car/job, take time to walk through the rooms in your “minds eye”. Take the time to do this each day, and continue to focus your mind on its existence and impending arrival.

It is really important that you connect and engage with all the senses: the feel, the sounds, the touch, the visuals – the more real we can feel it in within our physical sensations, the stronger we are in holding the vibration.

Act like it is already here

I love the story of Jim Carrey who wrote himself a personal cheque for $10 million, with a specific date and held it in his wallet with the belief it would one day be real, and you guessed it – it came about!

When you achieve your dream, what will you feel like? What will you be doing each day? How will you act? How will things be different than today, and then, “act like it is already here”. This vibration will align yourself for this to be attracted to you – the key here, is also knowing you deserve all that you are desiring and it is more about the Be-ing, rather than the Do-ing.

A simple “post it note” is a great reminder to keep you believing it will arrive, or another great story is with the Australian volleyball Olympic athletes, Kerri Pottharst and Natalie Cook who went through their daily regime of bending down to receive the gold medal, imaging what it would be like when they won and well, we know the rest!

Work with the Moon Energy

There are wonderful cycles within our natural world, and we tap into the moon cycle as part of a process of manifestation. The first new moon for this month is 10th January however, we get an opportunity to play with her supportive energy every month. It is a powerful and nurturing practice, to keep the focus on what you want to bring into reality.

I love working with both the New Moon and the Full Moon energy – a personal ceremony using oracle cards and smudging and my crystal bowl to amplify, is another option. I truly believe the power is creating a ceremony that means something to you, as it the action is not as important than the belief and the intention held.

Crystal Grids

Many people enjoy the quality of amplification of crystals, creating a crystal grid around a dream board, a piece of paper with your key words or a written down intention, is another way to energise your intent and keep magnifying it’s focus.

Keep a Positive Attitude

How many stories have you been told of people that have kept the dream, persevered until it happen – did you know it took Jack Canfield, 144 rejections before a publishing house said “yes” to his famous book, “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, and as someone said the other day, what would have happened if he gave up at 140?

Enjoy creating your 2016 dream, know you totally deserve to be happy, you are a magnificent creator and if you have had an idea, then it already exists, so in the wise words of “Thoughts of the Universe”

“Impatience is a sign that one has temporarily forgotten to behave at all times, that your dreams have already come true”.