5 Steps To Move Into 2016

Being a big lover of ceremony, there are many ways we can mark the end of a year. Often it is with a big celebration with our loved ones and/or friends, however this year I have heard many people taking the time to reflect, to create a ceremony to acknowledge and integrate all the wonderful lessons they received from 2015, and honouring the year past before they move forward to create 2016.

I know in my life I often move forward too quickly, not spending the necessary time to reflect and honour all that has gone before. The time to allow conscious decisions on what I would like to celebrate, keep or to let go that which didn’t serve me.

So here is a 5 step process that includes an acknowledge of the year that has passed with the wisdom, joy and challenges; and an opportunity to let go of whatever no longer serves you, and in doing so allow you to move into 2016 with an understanding,  perhaps a new set of skills and knowledge and an openness to receive all that this new year will provide.

Step 1: Be Proud of Yourself

Start this process taking stock of all the things you did well, allowing time to give yourself recognition of all that you achieved.

This can be a simple case of taking out a piece of paper or your journal and writing “I am proud of…..”

Step 2: Be Grateful

What are you truly grateful for in 2015, what people came in, or were present in your life? What were the challenges, and what gift or opportunity to grow did they provide you? What did you learn about yourself? What wonderful opportunities did you enjoy?

Take time to remember the moments of complete joy and happiness ~ is there a special photo, or song that really captures 2015 for you?

When capturing this, be specific in your description – take the time to feel into the moment and re-live how it felt, and giving thanks for this being in your life.

You may also want to capture, ” I am grateful for….”

Step 3: Time To Let Go 

Ok, there may be a few things that did’t go to plan in 2015.

What do you feel most disappointed about? What decisions, attitudes, and beliefs do you have about this situation and how are these decisions affecting your life?

Do you feel it is now time to forgive and let go, or are you still holding onto something? if so, how is this inability to forgive affecting your life? What is causing you not to forgive?

And if you cannot forgive right now, consider are you “willing and open” to forgive and let go? even opening up that possibility is a great first step.

Letting go of feelings that are filling up your mental and emotional capacotu (when you are ready to do so) will allow space for other things, memories, people and energy into your life, so when you are able to, consider writing, ” I let go of…..”

I often use smudging when I am doing my forgiveness work, and if there is a person involved hold an intention in my heart that all is well. I send back all that no longer serves me, bringing back any power I may have given away and then in a wonderful bubble of love and light, wrap the person up and return their power back to them in a power of 7.

Staying with this intent until I feel it has dissipated, and can feel I have disconnected with love.

Knowing that we all are all connected, here to learn, grow and walk our soul journey has allowed me to see that although I may not agree with everything they have done, my “letting go” process, gives them and more importantly myself, the gift of forgiveness.

Step 4: Count Your Blessings

Now, that we have acknowledged the year, the moments of joy, the times of disappointment, and have come to a place to move forward, this is a beautiful blessing you could use:

“I breathe in and thank all that 2015 has given me, and as I breathe out I am letting go of all that now does not serve me. With each breath, in and out I am now open to bring in more abundance, fun, and beautiful ways to allow my life to flow, grow and flourish. I know that I am love, and all I desire is already here. All is well”

If you want to, you could also mark this ceremony with some beautiful sweet lemongrass and invite this intention into your life.

Step 5: Lets Create A Magnificent 2016

It is now time to move forward knowing that all that is required is now within you, everything else has been acknowledged , honoured and if required is now released. And if you have already, create your Dream Board or join us on the 17th for the Infinite Possibilities: Deliberate Creation With Gratitude Experience.

Time to create and tap into the infinite possibilities that 2016 will bring you – enjoy!