Sacred Heart Connection

Love And Compassion Through Yoga

Yoga is a self-care practice. Every time you connect and flow through the process of yoga, you are using tools, which assist your mind and body into clarity and contentment. The act of self-care is a form of love.

So every time you practice Yoga, you are connecting to that nurturing energy of love and compassion.

Whether it is a short 20-30 minutes or an indulgent hour of yoga which then hopefully influences every moment of your daily life, you are changing habits and patterns of behaviours by cultivating the energy of love and compassion through self-care.

This can offer you an experience of giving to yourself, creating that deeper relationship with one-self and connecting you inwards into your heart, where you can then also offer the gift of love and compassion to others.

“It is in our Purusa that our heart is the seat of love and compassion for the self and others”

This month, we are offering you a heart centered breathing yoga practice, where you can flow and surrender into the space of your sacred heart. By taking the time to stop and to utilize the tools of yoga, this can offer an experience of how you can connect to your sacred heart – our Purusa (pronounced pa-ru-sha), our pure inner light of awareness.

Patanjali’s teachings of yoga in the Yoga Sutra’s, speak of our Purusa. It also refers to how we can use the tools and techniques of yoga for this particular purpose. Through these teachings they are meant to clear our heart and mind for the single purpose of connecting to our Purusa, which resides within our heart. Where our divine light of awareness illuminates our truth – it is in our Purusa that our heart is the seat of love and compassion for the self and others.

As you move through this heart centred yoga practice, allow your heart’s intention to guide each breath. Allow the sound and the quality of your breath to settle and still the mind, drawing you inwards, connecting you to your sacred heart, your purusa.

Each sequence invites you to move dynamically with your inhale and exhale as you use your breath to initiate each movement so you can access that deep connection towards your hearts intention.

Use this practice as a morning routine if you choose, or if you would like to cultivate the energies of love and compassion, move through the practice of Connecting to your Sacred Heart so that you can embody and emit your intentions of love and compassion.

When you’re ready, join me watch the video so you can practice in the comfort of your own home a nourishing heart centred breathing yoga practice, which will then finish off with a guided Metta meditation of loving-kindness, and while you’re doing the practice remember this quote:

“The heart is the hub of all sacred places – go there, and roam” Bhagawan Nityananda


Yasmin Ismail is a warm hearted yoga teacher who resides in the beautiful coast line of the Central Coast NSW. She believes in a holistic approach towards health and happiness. Yasmin specialises in designing personal practice through yoga where she collaborates with and assesses each individual in order to design a personal practice that suits their needs.
She also runs regular monthly yoga workshops in Yarramalong, to offer a deeper understanding of the teachings and practicalities of yoga. By integrating the three main areas of body, breath and mind, Yasmin is passionate about guiding people through a soulful practice uniting movement with breath for a balanced mind and stable body. Feel free to contact her on 0439 248 702 or at for more information.