Manifesting Abundance with Crystal Grids

Want to manifest more abundance into your life? Don’t we all *wink wink*

I’ve had great success with manifesting abundance in both my personal life and in my business by using crystal grids. Crystals are amazing abundance creators. Crystals want to work with us and help us to achieve our life purpose. And today, I am going to show you how easy it is to create crystal grids.

I will go about this two ways.

By explaining the steps to create your own personalised crystal grids

Pre-designed crystal grids for: career opportunities, finding your tribe, attracting relationships and manifesting abundance into your life


Creating your own personalised crystal grid

The best crystals grids are ones that are catered to your specific needs. To be able to do this, you MUST be willing to trust your intuition. Your intuition and your willingness to trust the feelings you get as you place the crystals are key to creating a great crystal grid.

Crystal grids don’t have to be in a circle, on a ‘seed of life’ pattern or in any other type of geometric shape. Your crystals will know where they need to go, based on your intention for the grid. Once you have your chosen crystals, it’s essential that trust your gut feelings on the placement of them. I always listen to where my crystals want to go, and I always get powerful grids from them (no matter how weird looking the grid is).

Here are the steps to creating a personalised crystal grid

Setting your intention: Stand in front of your crystals and be really clear about what you want from your crystal grid. e.g. I want to get a promotion at work; I want to grow my business to the next level; I want to go on a three month holiday to Europe etc. Whatever your desire is, hold it firm in your mind

Choosing your crystals: Or should I say, they will choose themselves. Once you have your intention firmly in your mind. Look to your crystals, which ones are standing out? Which ones are calling to you? As your eye goes over each crystal, ask them “Do you want to be in this grid?” and listen for the answer. You will get a sense of a yes or no answer.

I have included ‘crystal wish lists’ under each of the pre-designed grids, if you are looking for inspiration.

Cleansing your crystals: Once you have chosen all of your crystals for your grid. I would suggest giving them a quick cleanse before you grid them. You can do this by: sageing them with a sage stick; using sound (if you don’t have Tibetan bowls, try YouTube for the exact same sound); placing them out under a full moon.

I also like to show my crystals a bit of love, so after they have been cleansed, I give each one a kiss and thank them for choosing to work with me.

Gridding your crystals: The location of the grid is entirely up to you. I would suggest wherever you have the space. I have crystal grids under my bed, next to my bed, on top of chest of drawers, on bookshelves.

  • Once you have chosen your location, then start the gridding process (remember to trust your intuition here).
  • Hold your intention firmly in your mind and ask your crystals “who wants to be first?” Which crystal are your eyes getting drawn to? Choose it and place it.
  • Ask “who’s next?” and choose that crystal. Move the second crystal around the first one until the placement ‘feels right’.
  • Ask “who’s next?” and choose that crystal. Move the third crystal around the first two until the placement ‘feels right’.
  • You continue doing this until you have placed all of your crystals.


Wa lah! Now you have created your crystal grid. How long you leave it up is entirely up to you. But you need to give it time to attract your desired outcome. I usually have my crystal grids in place for about 8 months before I get the message to change them.


Pre-designed Crystal Grids

If you just want to grid and go, I have designed four crystals grids that you can use. They are for:

  • Creating career opportunities
  • Finding your tribe
  • Attracting romantic relationships and
  • Manifesting abundance into your life


Creating career opportunities – crystal grid

Want a promotion? A career change? To take your business to the next level? Then this grid is for you.

Hold your intention (in relation to your career) firmly in your mind, then place the crystals as shown in the picture.

crystals, career change, grid, gratitude

The crystals in this grid work in the following ways

  • Danubrite – helps to align you to your soul’s purpose
  • Peridot – helps bring about change and success in career endeavours
  • Emerald – helps you to attune to the frequency of abundance
  • Amethyst – helps you to step out of your comfort zone and pursue greatness

Other great crystals for manifesting career opportunities are: Green Adventurine; Carnelian; Citrine; Malachite; Petalite; Sunstone & Tigers Eye


Find your tribe – crystal grid

When we find our tribe, when we find the group of people who are on a similar journey that we are on, it’s a great feeling. But do we know where to look for them? This next crystal grid creates a ‘tribe finding attractor field’.

Hold your vision of your tribe firmly in your mind, then place the crystals as shown in the picture.

The crystals in this grid work in the following ways:

  • Rhodochrosite – helps you to truly know your heart
  • Citrine – helps you to attract opportunities to you for your spiritual growth
  • Herkimer Diamond – magnifies your brilliance and helps you to become a beacon for like-minded souls
  • Rhodonite – helps you to bring your talents to the surface

Other great crystals for attracting your tribe are: Pink Calcite (transparent); Blue Chalcedony; Breccia Jasper; Fancy Jasper; Ruby; Turquoise


Attracting relationships – crystal grid

Looking for love? Want to attract the right person into your life? This next grid creates an attractor field while at the same time, works to heal wounds from the past.

Hold the vision of your ‘desired relationship’ firmly in your mind. I am referring to the type of relationship that you want to have. Not what you want your partner to look like. Once you have that vision crystal clear in your mind, then place the crystals as shown in the picture.

relationship, soul mate, crystals, grids, gratitudeThe crystals in this grid work in the following ways:

  • Emerald – works to open your heart
  • Danubrite – helps to awaken your spiritual wisdom
  • Clear Quartz points – super charges the intention
  • Peridot – heals the wounded heart
  • Herkimer Diamond – becomes a pure love magnet

Other great crystals for attracting the love of your life are: Purple Chalcedony; Garnet; Kunzite; Morganite; Rhodochrosite; Rhodonite; Turquoise


Manifesting abundance into your life – crystal grid

Abundance comes in all shapes and forms. It could be wealth, opportunities, having the time and space to do what your heart desires etc. Whatever form you wish to be abundant in, crystal grids are a great way to start.

Visualise the type of abundance that you are looking for. Once you have that vision crystal clear in your mind, then place the crystals as shown in the picture. This is a great grid to place in front of your vision board.

The crystals in this grid work in the following ways:

  • Citrine – helps to manifest abundance on all levels, but particularly on the financial front
  • Clear Quartz Points – Intensifies the attractor field of the grid
  • Amethyst clusters – ensures that the abundance that you attract is for your highest good
  • Selenite* – works to clear all blocks and resistance to having abundance enter into your life

*Pls note: you can use any type / shape of Selenite. It doesn’t have to be an egg. It could be a heart, oval, tower, wand etc.

Other great crystals for attracting abundance into your life are: Amber; Barite; Emerald; Jade; Moldavite; Rutile Quartz; Sunstone; Tigers Eye; Turquoise

Remember, once you have placed your crystal grid, you need to give it time to work. I would suggest a minimum of five months for each crystal grid that you create.


Liesl Frank is a Psychic Kinesiologist who specialises in deep soul work. She works with people who want to wake up to their true soul purpose.

She helps people move out of stress, anxiety and depression and into the life they were born to live.

You can find out more about Liesl at