How Can You Feel Love, When You Don’t Feel Loved?

It’s easy to feel love when we are in the right moment, with the right person or in the right place in our lives. But what if we are yearning for more Love right now? How can we encourage the flow of Love into our lives when we may be battling through feelings in opposition? How do we move beyond what the logical mind is preaching about Love? Sometimes we get caught up in our head and forget what it’s like to live from the heart – the place where Love in all forms truly blossoms.

 “Please sir…I want some more?!”

It is imperative to consciously make the choice to allow Love in. This is the first step to increase the flow of it towards you. The conscious choice to move towards Love is the seedling for its manifestation in your life. Some believe they are not deserving of Love, it is not for them or they can survive without it. In a limited sense, it’s true.

We can survive without food for days by living off water. But our body eventually deteriorates as it misses out on the nutrients, sustenance and energy only food can provide. Love also is a form of sustenance, an energy that runs through our entire being. Love is essential to our wellbeing as it promotes harmony, peace and fulfilment within.

How to allow Love in?

Send Love out to let Love in. Open a window in your home asking Mother Nature’s sweet breeze to blow through your home filling every corner with her soulful embrace, then send it back from your heart to hers. She is loving Mother Earth for all inhabitants, the ultimate fearless loving warrior who gives you everything you need. The perfect climate to breathe life into the cells of your body, vegetation to nourish you physically and beauty that surpasses any ego.

Her magic can also be felt in the gems she creates from the soil beneath your feet. With time and pressure her crystal magic is bestowed upon you beloved, for you to create a more loving and sacred space within you.

Crystal Love GridCrystal Grid, Crystals, Love, Gratitude

Create a crystal grid to enhance loving energy to flow freely throughout your life by sourcing from a new age
store or crystal supplier – 1 rose quartz crystal, 1 hematite crystal and 1 moonstone crystal. Wave them through the smoke of a lit sage or frankincense incense for cleansing. Then hold each crystal with your eyes closed, and place the intention for each one as follows:

Rose quartz (pale pink crystal) = to assist in opening the heart to love and attract a life partner too – if you so desire it.

Moonstone (milky/creamy coloured crystal) = call in the feminine divine energy of Mother Mary and Quan Yin to draw in healing love, compassion and forgiveness of past regressions paving the way anew. May an abundance of love be received in the absence of doubt or fear.

Hematite (silvery crystal) = removal of past attachments and negative cords, fear or resistance associated with attracting love. To strengthen, energise and enhance optimism, will & courage towards love.

Intuitively place them in a triangle formation at the window sill of your bedroom window. Keep your crystals charged by sending them a prayer and when meditating sending them light source energy in the form of love. Journal your feelings before and after placement of the grid and the journey which unfolds for you in the weeks and months to follow.

Lana NicolaouCrystal light & healing blessings, Lana Nicolaou

Lana is a certifed crystal healer, author, intuitive artist and coffee cup reader. You can order crystal grids from her website at