The Power of Unconditional Love

You might be someone who’s tried it all. Yoga, meditation, energy healing, coaching, cleanses, and so on.

Deep inside you really know that you are an infinite being, and that you are the powerful creator of your own reality. Yet how can you fully access and use that power to heal and change the core issues in your life that matter the most?

After years of working as a spiritual healer and teacher, helping hundreds of people create powerful change, these were the questions I was still asking myself. I would see one person create fantastic relationships but struggle with health. Another with lots of abundance but stressful relationships. It seemed like many people on a healing and spiritual journey would keep bumping up against some kind of an invisible wall. And I would see some people who had started out hopeful and empowered almost give up on their dreams, even after doing heaps of spiritual workshops.

And for all the wonderful healing and growth I’d experienced in my life, I knew there was something more. I knew I could love myself more deeply, and more fully connect to the truly infinite creative power that dwells within us all.

As I continually searched for ways to be able to more fully heal both myself and others, I experienced many powerful healing methods and approaches. Some very complex, and some very simple.

But what I realised is the true unlimited source of all healing, is perhaps the most simple thing of all:

Unconditional Love.

The principle of unconditional love had always been very important to me. But what changed everything was when I realised that the deepest causes of all the stress, sickness, pain, and difficulty we experience are actually our belief systems and emotional patterns of ‘conditional love’, that we mostly learn in our upbringing.

Conditional love is the normal way most people learned to see the world, and it’s still the paradigm that a lot of healing is done from. And it’s these conditions on love that create blocks in your healing journey and growth.

It’s when we truly embrace unconditional love and fully release these old conditions that we can return to our most natural loving state. And it’s when we’re in a state of love that we automatically create health, joy and abundance in our life in all ways.

simonleelaSimon Wing-Lun offers powerful unconditional love healing and coaching programs for people who want to create major healing and transformation in their lives.

If you know it’s time to create real breakthroughs and change in your life you are invited to his upcoming workshop in Paddington on Thursday February 11th.

This will be a great opportunity to learn about how you can use unconditional love to create healing & change with the issues that matter the most to you, and release your deepest blocks to manifesting your dreams. Read all about it and book your spot at his website.