Compassionate Food

I have a “brilliant” theory – that every wife needs a wife. No, it’s not some new age sexual revolution. Let me explain my vision…

Being a Mother of small children is such a beautiful, precious, short period in ours lives, but it is also incredibly physically and mentally challenging – and exhausting. Imagine if there were two of you! Two wives in a family to share the Mothering load!

It was once said that it takes a village to raise a child, but in most Western societies this is not the case.

Many mothers don’t have extended families living nearby to help and support one another. Raising children can be a lonely and isolating experience.

I want to live in a place where Mothers support other Mothers. Where we become each other’s extended family. We are nurturers by nature so why not nurture each other as well as our own children and partners?

A shared mothering load would mean that you would only have to cook every second night, do half the school runs, go grocery shopping without kids in tow and take kids to after-school classes some of the time.

Someone to share the tiresome cleaning jobs with. You could rest when you were sick and have someone make you nourishing soups. There would be more time for YOU; to go to the gym, meet friends for coffee, read a book, have a nap or watch a movie. Life would be so much more balanced!

A woman having both a husband and a wife is not currently legal in Australia, so I have come up with a more culturally acceptable concept – ‘compassionate food’. Again, I’ll explain. After the birth of my first child my eyes were opened by a few kind women (other Mothers of course) who brought me some amazing gifts – home cooked meals! It made such a huge impression on me that I jumped on the bandwagon and have been singing its praises from the hill-tops ever since.

I come from a big Greek family who are wildly passionate about food and who love to cook, eat and share their cooking. It’s a way we show our love for one another. My extended family lives far afield but when we get together there are shared jars of jams and olives, cakes and slices, not to mention the feast that comes from a team effort in the kitchen. When my Mum comes to visit she always arrives with a cardboard box full of goodies – leftovers, baked treats, fruit from the little farm stall down the road and some fresh organic produce from her garden. What a blessing!

I truly believe that one of the most powerful ways I can support another Mother is to provide a home cooked meal for their family. How would you feel if a friend turned up on your doorstep with a big hearty casserole and a batch of freshly baked biscuits? I’m talking about reaching out to Mothers who have something bigger than everyday family madness going on – a single Mum, an ill Mum, a Mum with a sick child or husband, a Mum who has recently given birth, a Mum with a partner who works away, or a Mum who is just in need of a bit of extra TLC (because we all have those times).

It’s easy to get consumed by our own family’s challenges, but it is humbling to remember there are always others far worse off. It’s actually quite good therapy – for me there is nothing more effective in helping me forget about my own problems, than doing something to help another. I cannot do much to help the Syrian refugee crisis, but I can look closer to home and with a small act of kindness make a difference in the life of another Mother.

If we can’t have wives then let’s create communities of women who care for each other enough to reach out with compassion to one another. Something as simple as and sitting down to a home cooked meal that you have not prepared can bring a huge amount of relief, joy and gratitude. Knowing that someone cares about you that much can fill our tanks so that we can get up in the morning and embrace another day of the wonderful rollercoaster ride that is parenting.

Holly HoffmanHolly Hoffman is an ex-teacher, ex-personal trainer, and currently a pregnant stay at home Mother and Blogger on The Sunshine Coast, Australia. When she is not running around after her two children she enjoys baking cakes, going to the gym, reading, writing, frolicking on the beach and listening to TED talks.

Holly recently launched Feel Good Mumma, a blog dedicated to Mothers with young children who would like to experience greater happiness and more moments of joy in their lives. You can read more from Holly and find her beautiful and inspiring blog Feel Good Mumma at