The Magic of Believing

The secret of setting your goal and then reaching it!

The dreamers and the believers have done some of the world’s greatest things. All because they believed in having their dreams come true. All of those amazing leaps and bounds, inventions and forward movements could have not been accomplished otherwise. It’s like the old story about climbing to the top of the mountain in search of that indefinable something. It makes no difference from which side the approach is made, those who steadfastly climb, reach the top. And so it is with the matter of believing. It isn’t so much what the real or imagined object of our belief may be, it’s the belief and following through that makes things possible.

What is the hardest task in the world? It is, to think.

Have you thought that maybe this is so, when you consider that most of us are victims of mass thinking and feed upon suggestions from others? We all know the law of cause and effect is absolute, yet how many of us ever pause to consider it’s workings? The entire course of a person’s life has many times been changed by a single thought which, coming to them in a flash, became a mighty power that altered the whole current of developing events. History is filled with the stories of strong-minded, resolutely willed individuals, who, steadfastly holding to their inner convictions, have been able to inspire their fellow man, and in the face of tremendous and determined opposition have literally created out of nothing great businesses, huge empires, and new worlds. They had no monopoly of thought power. You and every man and woman have it. All you have to do is use it.

The second hardest thing to do is to take positive action, the first step if you like, while holding that very important thought or focus. Once you take action, you will then become the person you envisage in your imagination, for the magic of believing will bring into your life the new elements, which your most dominant thoughts create within and attract from without.

Positive creative thought leads to action and ultimate realization, but the real power, much more than action itself, is the thought. Remember always: “whatever man can conceive mentally, he can bring into materialization.” Health, wealth and happiness must follow if the proper mental pictures are created and constantly maintained, for the law of cause and effect is immutable.

Know thyself and know your power until it becomes part of your daily life. Just believe that there is genuine magic in believing – and magic there will be, for belief will supply the power which will enable you to succeed in everything you undertake. Back your belief with a resolute will and you become unconquerable – a master among men or women – yourself.


Indigo TarotNarelle Scurr – Australian Psychic of the Year (2014)

Working as a professional in the Spiritual Industry for many years as an experienced and accurate Psychic, Medium and Tarot Reader, Narelle’s philosophy and intention is always to work with a code of ethics, honesty and integrity, especially as she is consulted by individuals on subjects of an extremely personal nature.

It is foremost in her mind that what is said will potentially impact people’s lives on many levels. This knowledge/information can be of a highly sensitive nature and messages must be delivered in the correct way as to not mislead, or to be misinterpreted.

Having the divine gift of being able to communicate information from the psychic/spirit world to the material world is an opportunity to help everyday people to have a better understanding of the life/death process and to have the assurance of knowing that my readings, no matter what the subject is, a loved one passing over or guidance for a personal or business project will give you direction, guidance or peace of mind in most situations.

If you want more details, her is her website and email