Connecting With Your Spirit

Yes! You have been searching for so long to connect with your Spirit. Now is the time.

You know it’s YOUR time to start your journey, to start something new, to finally connect with Spirit. Trust the magic of new beginnings, trust yourself and your inner knowing. You are ready to step into this new beginning.

Searching for the real meaning in life and knowing that ‘there is something else out there’,  is a common feeling among many of us at this moment on the planet. Mother Earth is raising its vibration and we no longer wish to remain stuck in old thought patterns and old ways of living.

Time and space are changing, so are we!

Do you feel there’s something missing?                       

I always felt there was something more to life, but I couldn’t describe or ‘get’ it. It was a deep feeling inside me, resonating in my heart and pushing me to look for ‘more’; to look further away and at the same time, look within myself.

After many years of studying, learning, searching and asking I had an ‘A-ha’ moment. Finally! Yes! It was my spirit that I was looking for! I was longing to connect with it, to dive deep into its Wisdom, Love and Guidance. I’ve got it! That “A-ha” moment was not the end of my search – it was a new beginning.

New questions arose. How do I connect with my spirit? How can I listen to it? Can my spirit give me the answers I’m looking for? All the answers to these questions are YES if I learn to connect, listen and understand my spirit’s messages. Beginning with YES!

How can YOU connect with your spirit?

So, what did I do to connect with my spirit, my soul, my Higher Self?

I’d like to share a few simple but powerful first steps so you can begin your journey:

  1. Meditate. Sit quietly, breathe deeply and focus on your breath going in and out. Let your thoughts come (they will come!); just stay focused on your breath; do not pay attention to your thoughts and do not ‘fight’ them. Slowly and with time, they will ‘disappear’. The energy charge you unconsciously put on them will gently become weaker and weaker
  2. Call upon the Power of Light/of God/the Universe (use the word that feels most comfortable for you) whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation or in need of guidance or assistance with a decision. See yourself bathing in this Light, inside and out. Take a deep breath and bring this Light into your heart. Make this a daily practice!
  3. Start trusting your intuition. Your spirit speaks to you through your gut feelings, that we often tend to ignore. Trust. Follow your inner guidance. At least try and see what happens!
  4. Learn to love yourself more. Be grateful for what you have, instead of focusing on what you want or need. Gratitude opens your heart, makes your spirit smile and brings more good things into your life! Do what makes you feel happy and your spirit will be happy too!
  5. Begin paying attention to your surroundings: the plants, the animals, the clouds, the wind, the sea and the mountains. Connect with Life on the physical plane and be open to the Unseen
  6. Become a Pillar of Light. In this ‘intersection’ of Earthly and Heavenly energies, your spirit will flourish!
To finish…or to start?

Now, as I said at the beginning, it’s YOUR time! Let Courage in! You don’t have courage when you think you’ve got all the answers. Courage emerges in you when you are ready to bring to the light all those questions you have been avoiding during this time!

Are you ready? Or maybe…you already started your journey! I would love to hear your experience! I’m always here to hold your hand and help you out:

Claudia SejiasClaudia Boymouchakian is a clairvoyant psychic who works with the Angelic Realm and with Mother Earth’s gifts, as an an Angel Intuitive and Universal Shaman. Claudia is a Reiki Master and Energy Healer and she also holds a PGDip in Educational Psychology and GradDip in Education.

As a teacher and educational psychologist, Claudia loves teaching about Crystals and Angels, guiding others to discover their life purpose, connecting with their spirits and giving them with clear steps to create the life they wish!

Claudia has helped many people with her psychic readings, energy healing and spiritual counselling sessions and courses, as well as training amazing Crystal Power Healing and Reiki practitioners in Australia and in Argentina. She is the founder of Crystal Power Healing®, Spiritual Growth Journey® and Purple Angel Healing Centre, in Sydney.

Her Armenian background has equipped her with the natural ability to read coffee cups since an early age and she is a sought-after psychic for answers, guidance and eye opening readings with a touch of counselling and psychology.

She is also one of the many wonderful teachers taking part in our upcoming Lighten Up Summit, 19th to 23rd September,  sign up today via