New Beginnings And The Natural Rhythm Of Life

Our lives are filled with exits and entrances, endings and beginnings – it is the natural rhythm of all life. Nothing is static – if it is then maybe it no longer has life!!

These times are filled with great opportunity but can also have sprinklings of both pain and joy. So what is going to help us navigate and celebrate these beginnings as we pass through doorways to the next adventure?

Recognise the birth pains that come with new beginnings. If we can see that the time of confusion and loss of direction that we sometimes experience is only the precursor to a magnificent new beginning, then we can relax. There can sometimes be a feeling like straining against a membrane with the feeling that there is something amazing on the other side.

Relaxing and allowing it to come is the only option here because exerting effort will only slow down the process.

Nature shows us the way here, as with no effort at all, its glorious springtime displays come after the barrenness of winter. No matter how crazy the weather appears there is still a rhythm to it and we know that cool days will soon give way to balmy warmth.

Seasons, tides and even our breath have a rhythm of contraction and expansion and so it is with our lives. Each new tide brings a new beginning filled with its promise to bring its waves onto the shore.

The moon which governs the watery depths of our seas and ourselves, puts on a wonderful display every month to remind us of this rhythm of beginnings. Linking ourselves to that rhythm of the moon means that we can celebrate the energy of each new moon and use it to energise our new projects and intentions.

Creating a ritual around the new moon is empowering as it helps us to get clear about our ideas and we all know how the universe loves clarity!

The sun provides the most wonderful daily display at sunrise and sunset of beginnings and endings. We know that the change of light is particularly potent for meditating and setting intention.

Many cultures have worshiped and celebrated the sun and its journey through the sky. While we watch the end of the day, we also see the beginning of the night and they continue to follow each other in this endless rhythm.

Seeing beginnings as part of the natural rhythm is essential. Celebrating this time of possibility with optimism and joy brings meaning to our lives and is part of how we connect in with each other.

Lighting candles, creating altars, using incense and oils, flowers and colours are some ways that we can mark new beginnings as auspicious times. Birthdays mark a new beginning every year and one which most of us celebrate with food, gifts and friends. All those big occasions in our lives, weddings, births, deaths, first day at work or school are all beginnings followed by periods of consolidation.

Acknowledging and embracing the beginnings in our lives brings richness and a sense of peace as we connect with the rhythm of all creation.

Barbara Callan is an intuitive consultant, mentor, and coach. Her many years in education working with all age groups, from 5 year olds through to adults, have given her a broad range of skills.

As a learning and behaviour advisor, an ESOL teacher, a workshop facilitator and a coach and mentor, Barbara’s experience comes together in a unique way as she combines all these skills with a strong intuition which allows her to connect with the client’s energy field and in a sense, become them.

Barbara has clients worldwide and who regularly seek guidance and clarity on matters ranging from personal, business, and important life decisions. She works with her eyes shut, tuning into the client’s energy field and whatever they are thinking and feeling she will get.

Barbara will be joining us in our upcoming Lighten Up Summit. Register today! It starts on the 19th of September.