Why Spring Is The Perfect Time To Declutter

There are signs around us of a fading winter – the sun is rising earlier and with it early morning bird calls. There are a few early flowers blossoming in the garden and I can start to sense a change in energy – from wanting to stay under the covers of winter to now start moving again in spring.

One of the energies that is really strong at the moment is the need to cleanse – to declutter in all areas of our lives. I’m finding myself looking inwards, observing my thought patterns. I have recently begun a detox diet and can feel my body’s lightness. But I’ve also started decluttering the house. Our spare room contains a collection of boxes and bags – of books, clothes and toys – ready for donation.

Why it’s important to declutter

So let’s talk more about that last point – decluttering our homes.

According to spiritual guru Rob Bell, “Our external environments mirror our internal lives. Clean, intentional physical space can dramatically affect how calm our minds and hearts are.”

Decluttering our physical spaces – our external environments – has a direct correlation on our internal energy and its ability to flow. Physical possessions that hold no clear purpose contain stagnant energy. That energy can drain us of our focus, distract us and leave us in a place of not feeling calm and centred.

In this shift in energy from being inwards, to one that wants us to burst and blossom and shine, take time to ‘spring clean’ and declutter your physical spaces. This can help get that vital energy moving and flowing – setting you up for the next 6 to 8 months before it’s time to go back under the covers again in late autumn and winter.

Here are some tips on decluttering your space:
  1. Find a corner of your house that needs some spring cleaning. It could be your wardrobe, your kitchen cupboards or your bathroom drawers.
  2. Sort through your possessions and put them into 3 piles:
    • Throw away or recycle pile
    • Donate pile
    • Keep pile
  3. If you are having difficulties in working out which pile to put your items in, ask yourself:
    “Do I really need this? Does this have a clear purpose?”
  4. If the item has no clear purpose but holds sentimental value, consider taking a photo of it and maybe even say a little blessing:

“Thank you for the memory, I treasure what it means to me and I will hold it in my heart. You can now be released as this memory is held where it needs to be held.”

  1. If you are having trouble parting with items, sometimes it helps to have your partner, a family member or friend help you out. They probably don’t have the same attachments as you do and will be able to help you determine what’s clutter and what’s worth keeping.
  2. Before putting the items from your ‘Keep’ pile back in your space, give your space a good clean, ready for a new season.

Decluttering your physical space will help you increase your energy levels, improve your mental clarity and make you feel great. Chances are you won’t even notice or miss the items you have let go of, but you will certainly feel the benefits of not having them in your home and life anymore.

As I wrote in my book, It’s Your Birth… Right?, “When you declutter your space, you pare yourself back and can more clearly see your true self. With the mess cleared away, there is nowhere to hide, but you can also realise that you’re not defined by your material possessions, but by what is in your heart and soul.”

Be sure to tell us in the comments below how you decluttered and what you felt shift afterwards.

Sources: Rob Bell (2016), How To Be Here, and Cherie Pasion (2015), It’s Your Birth… Right?

Cherie PasionCherie Pasion is an author and mama who runs Connected Mama, helping women emotionally and energetically prepare for motherhood with her online programs and mentoring. When she’s not writing or mentoring, she can often be found exploring nature with her husband and son.

You can connect with via her website, Facebook and Instagram. 

Cherie will also be one of our 50 inspiring speakers at the upcoming Lighten Up Summit. Starts 19 September. Register today.