Relax, Create Space And Go With The Flow

Over the years, I have had many conversations with my guides and the Angels to relax, let go and “go with the flow”. It’s been a huge lesson for me, as a self-described Earth Angel and Empath. Being someone who is highly sensitive to people’s emotions and feeling responsible to help, fix and make them happy.

I had a long period in my life when I felt I had to be responsible for everything and everyone and control was hugely important. I had seen what happened when people didn’t control themselves or had no control, which made me highly anxious and fearful.

It’s funny how the need to control can creep up on you more and more throughout your life. I remember being a real care free child, who loved to feel free, have fun and go with the flow. But then life can change. Things happen out the blue, unexpectedly and don’t always go to plan. Over time, It can slowly start to mess with your confidence and trust. You don’t feel so secure all the time anymore and start to become more aware of what may go wrong.

That go with the flow attitude can slowly be replaced with stress, worry and fear. For some it can be a slow gradual process, but for others it can happen so quickly, with one defining moment when your whole world falls apart beneath you and destroys your trust.

When this happens, the common response is to go into “survival mode” where you become super sensitive and highly aware of danger, in an attempt to feel safe, in control and survive. It can go on for years, even if the trauma or stress happened a long time ago, your subconscious can be stuck in fear and “fight or flight”.

For me, being in survival mode, robbed me of the ability to relax, feel calm, slow down and feel safe. Not only in my own head with my thoughts, but in my body and environment too. I felt very trapped and confined in my head and in my life. There was no space to just be, take time out and relax without the non-stop worry, overthinking and control.

Going with the flow was not an option any more in my mind, as there were too many “bad” things that could happen and go wrong. It was now up to me to be on the lookout and vigilant all the time.

A very important part of my healing journey was to find a way to reconnect to “space” in my head, from my negative thoughts and fears. Also in my heart, from feelings of hurt, anger and sadness.

To have space from people, places and things that where draining my energy, happiness and wellbeing. To give myself permission to have some alone time, without feeling selfish or guilty was a big thing too.

That’s why I love Emotional Freedom Technique or “tapping” because it is so simple, but so powerful at helping you feel emotional and mental detachment and space from stressful experiences in your past, that can still feel so close and intense (visit my website for more information).

The space and freedom that comes from calming your nervous system, switching off your stress hormones and fight/flight response is so powerful.

Space allows you:

  • To be aware of your breath, body and how its feeling (not just everyone else)
  • To reconnect to feelings of lightness, fresh air, nature and beautiful Mother Earth
  • To hear your Intuition and soul speaking to you
  • To hear, sense, feel and receive messages from Spirit, the Angels and your Spirit Guides.
  • To have freedom to choose what you do want and don’t want, what feels right and what doesn’t
  • To create healthy, loving boundaries with people
  • To breathe and just be YOU
  • To switch off stress hormones and allow feel good hormones to flow, which allows your body to have vital “rest and digest

Creating a daily practice of alone time, has been so essential and vital to me. Especially helping me to feel safe to “go with the flow” again.

If you are an Earth Angel and Empath too, alone time and space will be especially important. Please check out my new online course “The Essential Guide For Earth Angels and Empaths”, which is filled with videos, audios, meditations, tools, tips and essential self care advice to help you Bloom.

Infinite Love and Gratitude

Alison Filihia

AlisonAlison Filihia is a professional holistic kinesiologist, intuitive reader, spirit messenger and self proclaimed Earth Angel. Her business Let Love Bloom is located on the beautiful Central Coast, Australia. Through her own journey with chronic fatigue, self sacrifice and dealing with a loved one’s addiction problems, she learned that self love and self care was not a luxury, but a necessity.

She credits her journey back to health and wellbeing to spirit, who in her darkest days, gave her the ever loving and supportive guidance and opportunities to heal and grow. Alison now uses a range of modalities to help her clients dissolve any blocks to healing their body, mind and spirit, restore balance, self love and inner peace.

Visit her website to book an appointment in person, via skype or to read her blog articles to help you Bloom. You can also contact her by phone on 0404547769 or visit her facebook: Let Love Bloom


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