Nourish Yourself And Others Through Random Acts Of Kindness

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” – Barbara de Angelis

There are a so many ways we can impact the world. With one simple act you can tap into a overflowing source that we all have access to, and that is – Kindness. When you are a kind person, you’re not only helping others, you also helping yourself.

There is much available evidence that has shown that being kind makes you and others around you – happy. Often said, “a warm smile is the universal language of kindness” so this Christmas the ‘Kindness Crew’ are putting KINDNESS well and truly back on the agenda of both kids and adults alike all around the nation through the development and distribution of a fun, colourful and inspiring ‘Kindness Advent Calendar’.


The Kindness Advent Calendar was initially the brainchild of one Illawarra based Mother, Jodie Cooper, who created an advent calendar for her children last year after becoming disheartened at the attitude her children were adopting in the lead up to Christmas.

Wanting to shift their focus from what they would be ‘receiving’ or ‘expecting’ from others at Christmas time to an attitude of ‘giving’, ‘sharing joy’ and ‘gratitude’,

Jodie designed a unique advent calendar outlining 24 random and fun acts of kindness her children could perform each day in the lead up to Christmas, thereby spreading love and joy within the local community at such a wonderful time of year.

Inspired by the positive changes this calendar created in the attitude of not only her own children but also those in the local community who were lucky enough to be on the receiving end of these random acts of kindness, Jodie felt the need to share this calendar with as many people as she could in the lead up to Christmas this year and hence the Kindness Crew was formed to assist her achieve this mission.

The Kindness Crew is a team of passionate, like-minded, kind-hearted individuals who’s joint vision is to create and inspire as many random acts of kindness across the globe as possible this Christmas season. Together the Crew have created and distributed thousands of joyous, colourful Kindness Advent Calendar to be utilised within schools, homes and workplaces to evoke a kindness movement, and you too can be part of this movement. There are now three unique versions of the calendar. One for use within our primary schools, one for families and one for use within the workplace. So no matter who you are, or what stage of life you are at, there is a calendar for you.

And the best part, it’s completely free for everyone to use.

If you would like your own version of the calendar to use in your workplace, school or home simply visit and download your own Kindness Advent Calendar for free from the website. There are no catches, no sign up requirements, just pure kindness from the Kindness Crew this Christmas.


The only thing we ask is that you share this great concept with all your friends and family to inspire more random acts of kindness so we can create a global shift in consciousness this Christmas.

Be sure to share your random acts of kindness on social media #kindnesscrew so we can reach even further across the planet. So go on, be part of the kindness movement that is taking hold this Christmas to make this Christmas this kindest one yet.

stephanie-meadesStephanie Meades is a Kindness Advocate and Kindness Crew Member, as well as a Holistic Health Coach, Founder of Life Wellness Co., Published Writer, Speaker, Mother, Wife, and Daughter.

Stephanie’s vision is to be a catalyst for positive change in people’s lives through educating, empowering and inspiring both individuals and families to regain control of their health and wellness through simple, effective lifestyle modification focusing on nutrition, movement and mindset. She provides individual and family health coaching services within the community and corporate setting, as well as running a series of REAL FOOD inspired workshops and online programs to assist people on their unique health journey.

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