Staying Grounded, Happy And Balanced This Christmas

This is a definite read for essential self care tools and tips for Earth Angels and Empaths.

Christmas is exciting time of year, filled with parties, gatherings and family get togethers. Plenty of food, drink, gifts and socialising. But for Earth Angels and empaths, these things can cause high levels of anxiety, stress and energetic burnout.

Earth Angel is a term I use for sensitive, caring souls who greatly feel the need to help, fix and rescue people. They are the peace keepers of the world, are very intuitive, empathic and can easily feel other people’s emotions and stress. They are like little sponges who easily absorb everything going on around them, then struggle to maintain their own health, wellbeing and inner peace. They also feel very responsible for other people’s happiness, which often means they sacrifice their own happiness, needs, time out, rest and wellbeing.

Earth Angels really struggle to say “no” without feeling selfish or guilty. So you can easily see why the festive season can be extra challenging and stressful.

As a self-described Earth Angel and empath myself, I have spent years trying to deal with these issues. The pressure to create the perfect Christmas experience for my children, family and friends has left me feeling exhausted, frustrated and unappreciated more than once and in recent years cautious and nervous about going through it all again!

For many they are just trying to keep up with family tradition, or often do everything that their mum used to do. In order to cope and survive we can adopt some not so healthy coping techniques, like

  1. Leaving things to the last minute
  2. Boycotting Christmas altogether
  3. Going to extremes to make, bake and create every Christmas item available
  4. Manifesting an illness
  5. Getting angry and resentful toward those who don’t help
  6. Excessive gift buying and spending

All in an attempt to keep everyone happy and keep the peace!!

You see Earth Angels and empaths often really struggle with staying grounded, speaking their truth, being assertive and having boundaries with other people. So when you are faced with celebrations and gatherings it can be quite overwhelming.

Indulging in rich foods, sweets and alcohol can really affect you even more, causing digestive issues, low energy and mood swings. Being around large groups of people, or family members that push your buttons, can also be overwhelming, especially if you haven’t learnt to protect yourself energetically and clear your energy. You can easily absorb others energy and that can leave you feeling tired, not yourself, negative and unhappy.

Here is a few tips to help you

  1. Practice 20 min a day of alone time where you can sit with yourself, detach from others and tune in to your body. Earth Angels are so used to being attached to everyone else, worrying about everyone and everything, so it’s important to get out of your head and be present with you!
  1. Listen to You!!

Ask yourself daily

  • How are YOU feeling?
  • Where’s my energy at?
  • Is this my stress I’m feeling or have I taken on someone else’s?
  • Am I being true to myself? Honour my happiness and wellbeing too?
  • What one thing is your body needing you to do, to help you feel better, relaxed and lighter?
  • Then Do it!
  1. Everytime you start to fall back into worry, fear and negative self talk and people pleasing, STOP!

Say Cancel, clear DELETE!!

That’s an old habit, you adopted and took on years ago, maybe from your own mother, that is no longer serving you.

  1. Say “yes” when you mean yes and “no” when you mean no.
  2. Make peace with guilt, worry, feeling selfish and letting people down.

Remember self-love and self-care is not selfish, it’s smart!

Here is a brief Emotional Freedom Technique or “tapping” exercise to help you relax and Bloom too this Christmas.

For more help and support check out my new 4 week online Course “The Essential Self Care Guide for Earth Angels & Empaths”

Much love and infinite gratitude, Alison x


AlisonAlison Filihia is a professional holistic kinesiologist, intuitive reader, spirit messenger and self proclaimed Earth Angel. Her business Let Love Bloom is located on the beautiful Central Coast, Australia. Through her own journey with chronic fatigue, self sacrifice and dealing with a loved one’s addiction problems, she learned that self love and self care was not a luxury, but a necessity.

She credits her journey back to health and wellbeing to spirit, who in her darkest days, gave her the ever loving and supportive guidance and opportunities to heal and grow. Alison now uses a range of modalities to help her clients dissolve any blocks to healing their body, mind and spirit, restore balance, self love and inner peace.

Considering booking an appointment in person or an intuitive reading via phone or Skype, call Alison on 0404 547 769.