Moving Forward… Time For End Of Year Review

It’s December. Most of us would agree that it’s been a BIG year! We’re looking forward to some time off and many of us are thinking about next year. 

I think it’s important to review the year that’s been before looking to the year ahead.

Find yourself a notebook, journal or art pages, collect some coloured pens and get ready to create your year-end review. Read through the questions below, answering as best you can. You can write, draw, cut out pictures, make mind maps – whatever feels good to you! You can ask yourself more or different questions as well.

Here are four reasons why an end of year review can be helpful in moving forward with more optimism and purpose:

  1. Learn from the year

What did you experience this year? What did you learn from those experiences? How can you use that learning to make next year better? How did you grow this year? How do you feel, right now?

  1. Wrap up the year

A year is full of so many things – the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. Look back over the year and make some notes.

Were there any significant ups and downs? What impact did those things have on you – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually? What really stood out for you – good or not so good? How do you feel about it, right now?

As you prepare to let go of this year, remember to take with you the things that you want to carry forward. Make a note of what those things are.

When it’s time, whenever feels right to you, release this year freely. You want move into the coming year without anything holding you back.

Doing a ritual around releasing this year and welcoming in the new year is a lovely way to transition.

  1. Get focussed

It’s easy to feel that the years are blending into one another.

We get into routines, do the same old things and at the end of the year, wonder why we haven’t achieved goals or moved past some old feelings. We might find ourselves doing a rerun of something that has happened a few times previously – the same kind of not great relationship, the same kind of work that we’re a bit bored with, the same holiday as last year – just because.

Now is a great time to assess.

How much have you grown this year? What new challenges did you meet? Where do you want to go next?

What other questions are coming up for you?

Thinking about these things, how do you feel right now?

Remember to check in with your intuition for all these questions and answers. You will get a lot of additional insight by listening to your intuition as well!

  1. Start next year feeling ready to go!

By setting aside some quiet time to review this year, you give yourself space to settle, to think, to feel, to question.

When you’re ready to plan next year, you already have a good idea of where you want to be in twelve months’ time.

You know how you want to feel at the end of next year. How you want to feel during the year. How you want to feel as you navigate the ups and downs that will come.

While you’re planning next year, remember to open yourself up to your inner guidance because she knows more than you do!



If you want some help to access and consciously use your intuition, Shan has an online course available: Inner Healing for Outer Health. Alternatively, please contact Shan here.