Tapping Into Our Psychic Ability

The word “psychic” may conjure up many thoughts and often gets associated with a view that only a “select few” possess this ability – yet, we all process psychic information through our psychic senses, often termed “The Clairs”,  so what are they?

The information we process can be via the following senses, and quite often a combination:

  • Clairvoyance – clear seeing
  • Clairaudience – clear hearing
  • Clairsentience -clear feeling
  • Claircognizance – clear knowing
  • Clairombience – clear tasting
  • Clairalience – clear smelling

Clairvoyance is best described as seeing in the mind’s eye, or 3rd eye as it is also known. This is one of the most well known of the psychic senses, yet it is not the most common and usually takes time & practise to develop. Clairvoyance is when information is shown to the psychic via a scene in the mind, much like when you recall in your memory, the scenery at the beach, or recalling an accident, where you see information pictorially in your mind.

Clairaudience is the sense of psychic sound or hearing, this is when you receive impressions that are heard in the mind and usually not with the physical ears, although sometimes when communicating with spirits you may hear with your physical ears someone who is not here in physical form. However most clairaudience will be heard in the mind, such as a song or song lyrics that are sentimental between you and a deceased loved one may come into your mind, or you might “hear” information relating to your questions etc.

Clairsentience is the sense of clear feeling, this is a very complex sense as it can be as subtle as ‘feeling’ mild sensations in your physical body when connecting with spirit, such as tingling on the top of the head, the back of the neck or between the shoulder blades, or tingling sensations on the face- to ‘feeling’ physical ailments or pain associated with the person you are reading, or the spirit you are connecting with.

Claircognizance is when blocks of psychic information is downloaded to the reader. It is the psychic sense of clear knowing and is a very common psychic sense, which most people are unaware that they frequently use. It can be as simple as knowing who is calling on the phone (before seeing caller ID of course), to knowing that there is something wrong with a loved one only to find there has been an accident. This same sense is able to be consciously strengthened and used during psychic readings where you will just know certain information, such as the place a person has visited, whether their deceased father was a farmer etc.

Clairambiance also known as clairgustance means clear tasting, this is when a psychic may get a taste of something in their mouth that is not there, usually to confirm the person that they are connecting with, for example tasting wine, when the spirit you are connecting with was a winemaker etc.

Clairalience is the psychic sense of clear smelling. For example, smelling the perfume of your deceased grandmother, or the smell surrounding someone’s workplace that you are reading, such as a fishy smell, coupled with a Clair cognizant knowing that it is the workplace of your sitters deceased father.

These are the psychic senses that we all use at one time or another, WE ARE ALL PSYCHIC.

Just as we can all sing, unfortunately not everyone can consistently hit the right note. To do that takes: natural ability, training/practise and the passion and desire to consistently improve your abilities.

It is one thing to be able to do something naturally. It is somewhat another to put your effort, focus and soul into improving your technique and expanding your psychic senses consciously.


Indigo Tarot

Narelle Scurr, Australian Psychic of the Year, 2014 and Indigo Tarot.

The above information has been the result of Narelle’s research and derived from many years of her own natural ability, study, practise & passion to consciously evolve her psychic senses.

She hopes to put this information into a book – what has taken her years to learn can help rapidly evolve any who are drawn to do so. All of the techniques that she shares are the techniques that she has used and been drawn to by her guides over the years. This has been a somewhat drawn out process, but she believes it is time for humankind to take a few leaps in our spiritual evolution. Just as we have been taking scientific leaps with our technology, it is now time to do the same spiritually, and she hopes to be of service to you on your journey.