Gratitude Experience – Day 3

“Gratitude opens your eyes to the limitless potential of the universe, while dissatisfaction closes your eyes to it” ~ Stephen Richards

Welcome to Day 3 of our Gratitude Experience.

Today we invite you to choose a different way to see the world, to see the opportunity that each moment brings and to live in a grateful way, as we touched on yesterday with Brother David’s TED talk.

Please continue to take the time to:

  • Use your journal, it is a great way to allow your thoughts a way to express into your consciousness and much awareness comes with this self-dialogue;
  • Enjoy your meditation, it is a gift you can give yourself every day that really does amazing things for your health and wellbeing,
  • Integrate the much needed step of living a grateful life by the first step of STOP; and
  • Give yourself love and compassion, things may be coming up that need to be honoured, this process is inviting you to step out of your comfort zone, sometimes this is wonderful and other times it can be challenging; remember it is all part of the process;

We also would love to hear from you throughout the experience, add your thoughts in our comments section or post on our Facebook page. And remember if you would like to connect to anyone in our Embrace Life community, check out out our members directory or visit us at one of our upcoming festivals within in your local area.

7Today’s affirmation: ” My heart expands with love and joy”

You may want to reflect on this affirmation, and set the intention to bring into your meditation.

Remember that the use of an affirmation can assist you when your mind drifts in a meditation, so if you feel you drifting off and becoming aware of your busy mind, then come back to the affirmation.

It also is a wonderful way to keep focussed throughout the day.

Your Daily Meditation

Now, take a few moments to look at the image we have captured today, what does this image reflect for you? Look at the colours, the vibrancy and within its simplicity; there also lies a complexity and beauty that only nature eloquently provides us.

Do you take the time each day to really look at your surroundings in this way, do you find it hard to remain in the present, or do you spend your time on things that have already happened, or concern about the future?

Does life pass you by in a blur? what would life be if you just focussed on the NOW (Remember to capture your thoughts in your journal)

Take a few deep breaths and concentrate on the image, breathe it in, connect to the simplicity of the flower and with each breath, bring in what you are grateful for and if need be, on your breath out the letting go of anything you feel you would like to release.

I often pick a word say “gratitude”, “peace” “joy” a feeling you want to invite in your life and say it as you breathe in, “I breathe in….”

And then on your breath out, the letting go of a feeling that you are willing to release, say : “disappointment”, “anger”, “fear”, “rejection”

Try it with something that may have occurred in your reflection today, or your journalling from yesterday.

And what about the quote : Gratitude opens your eyes to the limitless potential of the universe, while dissatisfaction closes your eyes to it”, what does this mean for you?

Have you ever captured yourself, focussing on the one thing that isn’t the way you want it, and doing so missing out on the wonderful things that surround it?

Nature’s beauty can be easily missed but not through Louie Schwartzberg’s lens. His stunning time-lapse photography, accompanied by powerful words from Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl-Rast, serves as a meditation on being grateful for every day, in this inspirational video called Moving Art: Gratitude

Some further questions to ponder today:

  • Do you take the time to see and enjoy the little things that life provides you?
  • What do you do for yourself to allow your heart to open?
  • How will you bless people you meet you today?

These questions do not have right or wrong answers, they are here to allow you to take time to become more self-aware, your inner thoughts and feelings are shaping your world.

What do you want to focus on creating today?

Today be very present to whatever may come into your awareness and rejoice in it. Take the time to eat your lunch, connect with a friend, breathe!

Why not make every connection today with an open heart and when you may jump into judgement or blocking, stop yourself and ask, is there a different way to see this experience?

How can I see this in a compassionate and loving way?  If I wanted a different experience, what would I choose?

Sometimes things happen to us that we cannot control however, we always have the choice on how we will perceive it, so this week practice seeing things in light of the “limitless potential” it provides.

Have a beautiful day, and look forward to connecting with you tomorrow.