Gratitude Experience – Day 4

“Be thankful for what you have, you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you do not have, you will never, ever have enough” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Welcome to Day 4 of our Gratitude Experience.

We are half way through the Gratitude Experience, and trust you are enjoying the connection and joy that can be experienced when you take time to bring this wonderful state of being into your life.

If at times, you have forgotten; that is ok to – often when we introduce something new; like learning a new skill or being part of a gym, we can find it takes awhile to be in a rhythm and for our new state of being to become the norm.

See this experience as building your gratitude muscles, an invitation and willingness to see the world in a different way and so whenever you feel you have stepped back into old ways of being; just anchor yourself to this moment, remember within it there is a new opportunity and you can always make a different choice.

And this by no means, is taking away that there will be times when you will feel anger, pain, frustration, and it is important when this happens you honour and acknowledge it, the question raised is how long do you feel you need to be there?

The answer could be a few seconds or a few days, it is as long as it takes to honour how you feel however, once you have done this, you need to decide when you are comfortable to see the gift and move forward, and this timing – well again, this is your choice.

Throughout these 7 days, you have been:

  • Using a journal for your thoughts, reflections and to capture any inspiration or ideas; have you noticed any patterns?
  • Given an opportunity to meditate each day – how have you enjoyed the experience, have you noticed you approaching the day a little different?
  • Ask to notice any changes to the way you approach a situation or a relationship, have you seen a difference?

We welcome any thoughts from you throughout the experience on our Facebook page.

Or perhaps, you would like to post an image on our Facebook page of something you are grateful for and using the hashtag #gratitude, we would love to hear from you?

And remember if you would like to connect to anyone in our Embrace Life community, check out out our members directory or visit us at one of our upcoming festivals within in your local area.

24Today’s affirmation: ” I breathe in gratitude, and breathe out disappointment”

You may want to reflect on this affirmation, and set the intention to bring into your meditation. Feel free to replace the word “disappointment” with any feeling you are willing and open to release.

Remember that the use of an affirmation can assist you when your mind drifts in a meditation, and is a wonderful way to keep focussed throughout the day.

Your Daily Meditation

Now, take a few moments to look at the image we have captured today, what does this image reflect for you?

These beautiful rocks have weathered many seasons, are still standing strong and have a wonderful glow around them. See how the sunlight shines on them, and the water laps around them, a testament to the inner strength and conviction that we can all possess.

What does this image mean for you? (Remember to capture your thoughts in your journal)

Take a few deep breaths and concentrate on the image, breathe it in and connect.

And what about the quote : “Be thankful for what you have, you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you do not have, you will never, ever have enough”, how does this play out for you?

Below is a clip with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey, that describes that Gratitude has its own energy field, and will draw more towards you, in acknowledging all that is good in your life, you have abundance.

Abundance are is an inner state of gratitude of what you already have, take a few moments for yourself to listen to this wonderful interview around Abundance and Gratitude.

Some further questions to ponder today:

  • Do you take time throughout your day to acknowledge the abundance you have around you?
  • Do you resist the present moment, and in doing so experience periods of stress, do you invite yourself to make a different choice?
  • Are you giving to others, what you are seeking?

These questions do not have right or wrong answers, they are here to allow you to take time to become more self-aware, your inner thoughts and feelings are shaping your world.

What do you want to focus on creating today?

Knowing that gratitude has its own energy field, and what you focus on is drawn to you, have a willingness to seek out all that is in abundance in your life. Remain in the present moment. And know, you can start with simple things such as your breath, the sun, fresh air, your physical body, etc. and expand your horizon beyond if you choose, knowing you are abundant in all ways.