Author: Karen Quant

Karen Quant is the founder of SACRED CLEARINGS and BOORI BOORI Labyrinth in Bucca Wauka, NSW. She is licensed to teach Denise Linn’s programmes of Interior Alignment™ here in Australia & NZ and runs her own intuitive development, sound and soul creative workshops and is one of Sydney’s leading Space Clearers and healers of spaces. She helps you align your own energy and mindset with energy of your workspace, business or home. Transforming ordinary working environments into a space of self-empowerment supporting your goals and visions through an holistic approach of the ancient practice of feng shui, together with the spirituality of the land and mentoring.
Mindfulness, Labrinyth, Gratitude

Mindful Soul Walk

So you take the dog for a walk, or the dog takes you everyday! You do exercise and power walk – fabulous…..but when was the last time you did a Soul Walk? “Soul is fundamentally a biological concept, defined as the primary organizing, sustaining and guiding principle of a living being” words from Bill Plotkin. […]

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Crystal Bowls, Gratitude, Space Clearing

Space Clearing with Crystal Singing Bowls

Sound is an important awareness when it comes to creating Sacred Space. The brain, the breath and the heart are the major pulse systems in our body and are all important for rhythmic entrainment with a space and clearing. When we are still in the present moment we go to a deeper awareness of consciousness. […]

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Connecting back to nature

Embrace Your Soul Connection To Nature

In a world full of hustle and bustle in our busy high tech lives we have become disconnected from Mother Earth and more reliant on our mobile phones, our ipads and less connected to Nature. This is creating a symptom of what I call ‘Soul Sickness’. A phrase I have coined as a separation sickness. […]

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Embrace The Winter Solstice

‘Solstice’  named from the time of the Vikings, conjurs up ideas of Pagan beliefs and values. It literally means ‘sun stands still’. On the 21st June, we will experience the shortest day of the year and whilst many Pagans perform rituals designed to raise the energy from the Earth and send it out into the […]

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