Author: Michelle Pietroboni

Michelle is the owner of Love Crush Joy Bliss, then home for love infused artwork, her blog can be found on

How to Ho’opononpono

Last year I holidayed in Hawaii. I had been called to visit there for many years and in 2015 after a series of personally challenging experiences, I decided that it was as good a time as any to answer the call. The thing that struck me like a bowling ball between the eyes was the […]

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mindfulness, mandala, gratitude, creativity, wellbeing

A Mind Full of Mindfulness

When I first heard about mindfulness I felt resistant. How could I possibly be mindful with a mind full of chatter? It was so busy in my mind. No room for quiet and certainly no capacity (so I thought) to be in the present moment. I pondered the definition as a state of being conscious […]

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Love, Gratitude, Self Love

An Inventory of Self-Love

As Cupid busily prepares himself for love deliveries this Valentines Day, it’s interesting to ponder just how many people are sending those same loving intentions to themselves. Have you considered just how much you love yourself? As a rule, it is much easier to express love towards others than it is to practise self love. […]

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