Body Intuition

If I ask you, where does your intuition come from, what would be your answer?

Most of us connect intuition to the mind and the Spirit. If we think a little deeper, we may say the source of the intuition is the Spirit and the channel through which it comes to us is the mind. However, the role that our body plays in connecting us to the Spirit is given much less consideration. I feel that we miss out on many intuitive insights that come to us because they come through the body.

The society and culture that we live in loves hierarchy. Might I dare to say that the spiritual and holistic communities are also not completely free of this mindset. If we introspect very honestly, we will notice that we tend to rank the Spirit higher, then the mind and lastly the body. Although our body is what enables us to exist and interact on the material plane, most of us are seeking experiences that are transcendental – transcending the body – in order to expand our awareness. This, of course, is a valuable mode of expanding our awareness. However, it is not the only one or the better one.

Practice body-fulness

Mindfulness practices are very important and are much talked about and practiced. Rightly so! However, how about being more body-ful? While practicing meditation, many of us concentrate on our breathing to begin with, to calm and centre ourselves. Once we are calm and centred, we move our attention to the mind. Next time when you meditate, I encourage you to stay centred in and focused on your body through the entire meditation. Our bodies have tremendous wisdom stored in them.

Wisdom from generations past

Science is now coming to the conclusion that many ancient cultures and spiritual practices have known for ages. Our cells and DNA store the memories of our lifetime and they are passed down to offspring. We fail to acknowledge that we are connected to the collective consciousness, in a huge part, through our bodies and cellular memories, not just our minds.

How do I use body-intuition to go with the flow?

  • Start valuing and loving your body: If you find this difficult, I can support you in getting to a place where you love what you see in the mirror! See below for details
  • Start practising body-fulness: Incorporate a body-awareness meditation into your meditation practice, at least once a week. Really listen to the messages of your body
  • Become aware of body-intuition: Practise becoming and being more aware of various feelings in your body – good and bad. These are your compass towards whether what you are experiencing in the moment is what you want to experience on a deeper level
  • Acknowledge and respect body-intuition: Trust you body’s wisdom. Take action accordingly. Let go of control, if that is what feels necessary at the time. Go with the flow if your body feels good with that flow




Loving and accepting the body we are blessed with for this lifetime is one of the most empowering feelings. Yet, most of us struggle in doing that. If you have wanted to improve your relationship with your body but didn’t know how, my online course – Love Yourself to Ideal Weight – will take you on a journey towards loving your body, as it is NOW. And, as a bonus, your weight will stabilize at the healthy weight that is ideal for you. It’s a win-win!



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