Category: Uncategorised

Gratitude, self care, self love

The Way To Gratitude

How unblocking my heart automatically made me feel and receive the flow of inner peace, love, joy and gratitude. Gratitude is a hard thing to feel when you are weighed down with unresolved anger, hurt, resentment and disappointment from the past. People often suggest you focus on things you are grateful for, but when you […]

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Relationships, Difficult in communication, healthy boundaries

The Beauty Of Long Term Relationships

Committed relationships are a playground to explore the depths of intimacy, love and passion.  Each challenge, argument and difference gives you an opportunity to open yourself to a new and deeper level. This is certainly a challenge yes, a defeat, certainly not. It is easy to blame our partners when the going gets tough, yet […]

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Revised Constant Change

Finding Balance Through Embracing Change

Barbara Lindberg, from Duft Creations shares her insights around what it means, or doesn’t mean, to be spiritual. Barbara brings her down to earth approach to many questions, including the big one, “Who Really Cares?” We are often bombarded by media obsessed with celebrity, and yet who actually cares if Keith and Nicole are breaking up […]

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Go On, Let It Out!

Admit it. There you were, sitting in your car stuck in traffic when your favourite song came on the radio. Before you knew it, you were belting it out at the top of your lungs, drumming your fingers on the steering wheel and having a great time – until you noticed the person in the […]

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The Top 5 Underlying Beliefs Sabotaging Your Self Love and Self Care

Working as a Kinesiologist and holistic practitioner Alison Filihia believes that the body has a perfect design and has built in tools to maintain perfect health and happiness, given the right, support and conditions. Plenty of rest, good nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, happy relationships, love, laughter and doing things that make you feel good. It […]

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A Peace-Full Existence

Peace. What is it? How do we know when we’ve felt it? How do we create it and what stops us from accessing more of it, more of the time? There are so many different types of peace – an inner state, an outer state, a personalized experience, a global consciousness, the presence of a […]

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Why Self Love And Self Care Is Not A Luxury, It’s A Necessity!

To be honest, many of us are not really raised to value self love and self care. Loving others and taking care of others is usually valued and praised a lot more in our society and within a lot of people’s families growing up. The “disease to please” and an overwhelming responsibility to fix and rescue people […]

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Wishes Granted

We all want to begin the year with a new start and to keep our New Year’s resolutions and promises to ourselves. I declared late last year that this year would be the best year ever and it has been. 2015 has been an opportunity to take it to a whole new level. Wow, when […]

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Empaths, Physicality And Interconnectivity

As an empath I am often asked about how I protect myself,  what the implications are for my relationships and how I cope with the different challenges this interesting ability brings. Much has been written on these topics so I would like to explore a universal approach to this phenomenon. As the energetic beings that […]

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Express Yourself: Being Authentic In An Unreal World

In this world of social media overload,  PR spin and so-called reality TV,  it can be hard to determine the real from the unreal, the authentic from the inauthentic. Just who do we believe? Well, we can only start with ourselves. Authenticity and how we express it – comes from truly knowing who we are. […]

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