Co-Creation In The Flow

Once we acknowledge we are empowered to create anything our little heart’s desire, we are living a purposeful life.

We have moved away from victim (life just happens to me) to Creator or as I prefer, Co-Creator. This co-creator mindset gives us the space to take ownership of our lives and to live happier more rewarding more on purpose and empowering lives and by so doing we become role models for others around us.

As I prepare to write this article or rather, ground a desire to share with our Gratitude community to be a conduit for a message intuited from a source greater than myself, I set the sacredness of the space I am entering by lighting a candle, some beautiful incense and put on some goddess music that has my hips rotating to allow my creative energies to flow.

Once I have set the space I am present to the message that will be spoken through me. This is a practice we can all use when honouring our dreams and earthing them into reality. A practice of co-creation.

I pull a card to guide my process and today I chose the beautiful Lucy Cavandish’s Oracle of The Drangonfae deck. The card pulled is “The Sovereign” – Gentle power.

In the first paragraph Lucy shares “It is not our desire to possess power, but to radiate it out in ever increasing waves, sending these seedlings of empowerment into the world, taking root in all your hearts. We do not hold on, we allow this power to extend out, to flow and to be yours, too”.

How appropriate for this article on Dreams.

As many of the Gratitude community already know we are living in a time of shifting energies. We are moving away from the single pointed focus, masculine energy to bring balance by expanding our feminine energies, our all-inclusive energies for the greater good of all.

When we look at this shift in relation to realising our dreams and desires it is all about collaboration. We are moving away from competition to offering our unique gifts and creating our dreams because they will serve a greater purpose.

Our world, our universe desires that we allow ourselves to dream and dream big. To honour the seeds of our hearts and to take the necessary steps to ground our dreams into our reality.

Lucy’s card suggests gentle energy, this is not forcing our dreams by being attached to when and how they will manifest.

It is about creating the picture of what we desire and giving ourselves the space to daydream.

A great time to do this is after we have given thanks for our day and sent love and light to all of our loved ones and are about to drift off to sleep. Allowing our minds to create the pictures of our dreams is a powerful tool that I have used for many years and I am often delighted with clear steps to take or an inspired idea, on waking the next morning. A much preferred option to worrying about things, don’t you agree?

When we are in the creation process it takes time to gestate, to grow healthy and to be birthed. The universe will check if you are passionately committed to your dreams by offering you a challenge or two, this can be mistaken for a test.

It is merely an opportunity of clarity and often inspires a greater commitment (or not) to manifesting your dreams. It is easy to mistake this phase as “it’s not working, or its not meant to be” check in with your heart, if this dream still resonates strongly with you, take another step, any step to convey your message to the universe that you do want to manifest this dream into your reality.

We are powerful creators who have all that is necessary to manifest our dreams, to live our passions and to encourage others to do the same.

Abundant Blessings.

kym-kennedyKym Kennedy as a Personal Development Coach and Mentor supports women around the world to create the life they love. She assists them to get back into the drivers seat of their lives and to live their purpose, their passion and to their full potential.

Kym with be hosting a “Create Your Future”  Vision Workshop on Saturday 29th October, 9am to 4pm at Bowral, NSW. You will be guided to enhance your intuition, your visualisation, your connection and your manifestation abilities. To learn more,                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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