Creating A Grateful Life

“What is the truth of your life? It’s your duty to know. In order to find out, know that the truth is that which feels right and good and loving. Love doesn’t hurt. It’s that which allows you to live every day with integrity” ~ Oprah, What I Know For Sure

When I read these lines, which I have done on many occasions, it touches me on such a deep level and reminds me to remember who I am, and what I am here to do.

These lines call upon us all to awake, to be purposeful and to live in a state of grace and gratitude, for we are enjoying the privilege of being here, right now in the present.

Simple words, and yet ones we can often forget when we allow ourselves to be sucked up in the drama of the “ego” mind who thrives on reliving the past, or paralyses us with fear of the future, the constant mind chatter that keeps us enslaved and comfortably numb. Resulting in us forgetting that at the heart of every living thing is in essence, love and that we are the sole creators of the life we live.

What you believe, you create!

As I draw upon my Oracle Cards today for inspiration, I was given the card of the Artist; where I was reminded that when we express ourselves creatively we are in turn balancing and healing our emotions, offering a time for us to be authentic and true to who we are. For when we allow ourselves to express our feelings without reservation, censorship or judgement, we are honouring our inner child, being present and allowing ourselves the right to be heard.

Now when receiving such a card or when we hear the word artist, we may automatically jump into the archetype of someone that draws, paints, writes, gardens or plays an instrument and in some occasions this is correct.

Taking the time to nurture the creative self is a powerful rescue remedy for stress. Most self-destructive habits emerge because our busy schedules do not permit enough time to care for ourselves in a positive way. Embracing the creative process in any medium that feels comfortable to you, will offer you a transformative way to clear your mind and release any emotional blockages.

However, if we subscribe to What we believe, we create, then this card is also a timely reminder at a much deeper level than a creative pursuit, it is asking: how are you turning up in the world?

For it is in the words we create within our minds that our relationships with ourselves and others are nourished, it is in the beliefs and values that we have formed healthy boundaries or erected war torn walls, and it is the person we have (and are) creating by where we have placed our focus, all of this has been at creative play today and will weave into the days to follow.

We all have the ability to choose where we put our focus. There will be times in our lives when things are going our way and it is easy to be grateful, and then there will be others that will provide us challenges and our response may be different, mostly these events have been unexpected and out of our control.  Not knowing the outcome requires a level of surrender and trust, and how we chose to experience this incident will be very personal coming down to your perception, and the choices you will make.

Where have you focused today? Enjoying the abundance, joy and grace within your life, or on the things you fear, this is the basis of all creations – for where our energy goes, so it must grow.

So what have you decided to bring more of into your life, what piece of art are you creating? You create every moment of every day, know you are the artist and your life will be your portrait.

Or as Oprah says, “Everything you do and say shows the world who you are. Let it be the truth.”