Creating Attuned To The Gentle Voice Of Mother Nature

When we find our passion and calling we are creating through The Divine Source – God. 

What an honour, what a privilege to express our unique gifts just as the Universe intended. There is a force greater than us and by opening our hearts and connecting; we are also in touch with our Soul and our own Divinity.

Black ink pen, pure crisp white paper, sunrise, solitude, serenity……

A moment in time, the imprint of pen on paper.  A black dot breaking the stark white page.  The seed, the thought, the beginning of creation. What is this? Unfolding, presenting, birthing. Black ink flowing, lines, curves, more ink – patterns, growing, developing, forming, a cosmic design emerging into existence.

Time stands still, and in that moment a lifetime of questioning, that deep restless feeling of searching and yearning, was finally answered.  Stunned, overwhelmed and in awe, I sat motionless, taking it all in, reflecting, awakening…

If you are interested on how to create your own Mandalas: here is a previous article, Connect With Your Soul, Create Your World.

Childhood Creativity 

As a youngster, I loved my Derwent pencils, textas, drawing and doodling.  I spent hours creating my school projects, designing, planning, drawing, colouring in fancy headings and decorative borders around carefully positioned, hand written, researched articles. My favourite subject at school was maths and of course the wonderful world of geometry.  I admired all different forms of Art, trying various mediums hoping to find an outlet for my creativity. My love also extended to beautiful things especially the beauty of the natural world, so exquisitely designed by Mother Nature.

Who would have thought these childhood pastimes were the deep knowing of my Soul’s desire to create Mandalas. It all made sense, the coming together of all the things I love. Once I joined the dots, I realised my Work was always there, waiting, waiting patiently for the right place and the right time.  Divine time.

Going with the Flow 

I let them flow, one by one, with fervour and enthusiasm, sometimes till all hours of the night, welcoming in the first light of dawn.  I could not get enough.  Drawing whenever I had a spare moment, constantly being drawn back to the exciting and amazing Art that is Mandalas.  Simple, yet intricate, subtle, yet powerful, steeped in Sacred Geometry.

The purge was obsessive, yet satisfying on so many levels.  I found my passion. I found my calling.  Wow! Is that not something we only read in personal development books, or that only happens to a select privileged few? 

That never happens to ordinary people, going about their ordinary, mundane lives, day in, day out, or so I thought. Yes, that cathartic experience, it does happen to very ordinary people just like me!!

Connecting with Clarity

The peace, the exhilaration, the relief, the happiness and so much more were beyond words.  I started to come alive, remembering parts of myself I had forgotten.  No amount of money could have bought the emotions and feelings I experienced.  All of them rolled into one, an indescribable high – priceless. 

This discovery of purpose and the healing as a result are truly miraculous.  I define myself as my parent’s daughter, my husband’s wife, my children’s mother and all the many other roles we play, but at the apex of this identity is my Divine Self, Despina, the Mandala Artisan.

And so it is.  It is my great honour to introduce ‘Infinite Pathways Mandalas’ – a precious gift from the Divine Source through me for all Humanity. 

Through this Sacred Art, I wish to bring forth, The Divine Love and Light of God, delivered in simple yet magnificent Sacred Geometry form.  They represent the Soul’s Essence and assist in healing at the deepest level of the subconscious.  May they bring Infinite Love, Joy, Happiness, Prosperity, Health and Abundance. 

May they heal, remind us of Who We Really Are, allow us to find our passion, our calling through our God–Given gifts and in the process, create an extraordinary life. 

What a precious Sacred Divine Gift resonating the Essence of You, to reflect and see your Self through the Eyes of God.

Despina PappasDespina Pappas is an Artist who loves creating Mandalas. Creative processes that are organic and intuitive, based in Sacred Geometry, is her passion and calling.

Mandalas touch the heart of the soul and are a great tool for meditation and healing, to gain knowledge from within and to become One with the Universe. Through her Mandalas, she wishes to spread the Light and Love that is available to all of us. Have your own personalised Mandala created by her. Raise your vibration, transform your life and enjoy the journey to become Who You Really Are and Create the Life of Your Dreams.

Contact with Despina via, call on 0402 991 540 or Facebook. You can also delve in a little deeper in the upcoming Lighten Up Summit. Starts 19 September. Register today.