Creating Your Dream, Surrender To Your Own Mediocrity

We often can get bombarded with messages of how to create our dreams, ways to achieve greatness and be inspired and motivated by endless “aim high, dream big” quotes.

What if the answer to achieving our dreams lies in the acceptance of ourselves, in embracing humility.

An interesting concept for one that has always focused on setting high goals, visualising the outcome and doing things in bite sized chunks, holding onto the belief that all would manifest into greatness.

However, embracing our humility allows us to stop comparing ourselves to others; brings us back to the present moment and reduces any internal dialogue of needing to be something beyond who we are.

Knowing that when we are in the now, grateful for all that we are and allowing the full expression of this, that our true essence shines and allows for whatever is meant to happen, to occur.

Humility is not to say that you may not have your dreams, it does enable us to see both sides of the equation and in acknowledging where you are today, you also get to see that is exactly where you need to be.

To put our creative energy into being the full expression of ourself, and not someone else’s definition of success.

In Cheryl Strayed’s recent Super Soul video  “The Humble Journey to Greatness”, she shared a story of her yoga teacher at the age of four, and how most of the children who were mastering their yoga poses didn’t look anything like the teacher, and in the the words of her yoga teacher, she recalled:

“The goal is not to have the perfect pose, it is to reach for it”

When you sit with that quote, it may have a profound impact on where you are today.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is your definition of success?
  • Do you often feel paralysed, your dream is so big, you don’t know where to start? Or even stop yourself doing anything, as a safe option, rather than risking a failure?
  • Who are you today? Do you know who you are, and is this something you embrace, or are you aiming beyond to where you want to be?

In your constant striving for the attainment of a dream, are you hindering your ability to create?

It does sound counter-intuitive, but aiming too high in attaining your dream, could also be your biggest obstacle; for we often become inspired and are energised, when we reach for our dreams. The balance is necessary however, when the projection and reaching beyond, has negated the actual appreciation, recognition and knowing where we are at now.

As Cheryl shares a quote from Flannery O’Connor:

“To know oneself is above all, to know what one lacks. It is to measure oneself against the truth, and not the other way, and the first product of self knowledge is humility”

Take a moment to breathe into that, and do a personal spot check – do you honour the true essence of you are, or do you bombard yourself with messages of greatness and what you are aspiring to be? And in doing so,  are you holding back the perfection of you, in your uniqueness.

Here is a few self reflective questions:

  • When you tap into your burning desire to create, what is emerging from you?
  • Are you allowing this to flow through you, without any judgements, expectations or external measurements?
  • Will you surrender to the idea of mediocrity?

And if you choose to do so, what will you fully embrace and create in this life, that would be totally and uniquely, you?

As Cheryl says, make good on your intentions – be who you are, and that is all you need to be!

Below is the full video for Cheryl’s Super Soul session: