Embracing Structure AND Flow In 2017

It’s January! The start of a New Year! It’s an opportunity to recreate yourself and to make those changes you have been putting off for so long. You may also see it as an opportunity to bring more of yourself to the world each day.

Whatever your intention, I’m sure you would agree that this year feels lighter than the last somehow – spacious, buzzing, vibrant, fresh and even colourful.

So how can we harness this potential and bring it to life in the best possible way?

We all know that when we bake a cake, the batter is the most delicious part, but the cake tin plays an equally important role, providing shape and containment, allowing us to mould the batter to match the outcome we desire. When we paint an artwork, the paint provides us with creative liberty, colour, expression, texture and substance. Yet without the boundaries of the canvas or paper, our work would be lost in space.

Balance is created when we have the correct proportions of different elements, allowing them to exist harmoniously with each other. Within us, this balance may take numerous different forms, including our masculine and feminine energy. By masculine and feminine energy, we are referring to the two polarities that exist within us and are independent of our gender.

So we could have a female who spends a lot of time in her masculine energy, or vice versa. It is my experience that we each have a unique and optimum balance of these energies within us. Movement between these energies takes place numerous times each day, yet we may move consciously from one to the other in order to restore balance when needed.

Masculine energy encompasses the structure in our lives, the action steps, feeling in control, feeling determined, achieving, being organised, precise, focused and setting clear, strong boundaries – I’m sure you’re getting the picture.

On the other end of the continuum, we have feminine energy, our intuition, flow, flexibility, receptivity, healthy vulnerability, gentleness, trust, creativity and emotion, just to name a few.

So take a moment to look at the different facets of your life and do a little evaluation of the masculine/feminine energy balance within each:

  • Career
  • Primary relationships
  • Finances
  • Social life
  • Health
  • Spirituality
  • Home
  • Any others…
For Your Journal
  • Which areas need to move into more flow and more allowing?
  • Which need greater structure, stability and healthy responsibility?
  • What are the action steps you need to take, in order to bring these changes to life?

As you go about your year, keep checking in with yourself through this lens and see how you are tracking. Do you need more structured time or more free time? More time spent on your internal world or is your external world calling you out? Can you let go of the situation at hand and surrender, or is time for you to really take the driver’s seat and move straight towards your desired destination?

By checking in with the most appropriate balance of both energies as they apply in each situation, you will open a new space of harmony and synergy that may have been missing before. By honouring both these elements and polarities within you, you will ensure that the cake not only tastes delicious, but that it fits the platter and is beautifully presented. You will find that the canvas could be seen as a limitation, but it also allows the ideas you have to unfold within the most practical frame, displaying and highlighting the colours within, in the most magical way.

So have fun! Play, explore and then take action, moving consciously in the direction of your dreams. May 2017 emerge in alignment with the balance that already resides naturally within you.


JeannineJeannine is a holistic practioner who specialises in restoring fractal patterns in a persons energy field. Just as you have a unique finger print, you also have a unique flow of energy that makes you who you are. This can be imbalanced for many different reasons such as trauma, stress, loss, relationship issues etc.

Through a balancing process, Jeannine brings greater balance to your energy field which translates into greater balance in your life. She is a holistic counsellor, works with balancing businesses energetically and also uses the Forensic Healing Protocol.

Please feel free to browse her website or email her directly on: essencepower@live.com.au