Embracing The Goddess Within Us

When we think about the word “Goddess”, we may see in our mind an image of a gorgeous woman, sensual and passionate. For some, it is an image of a kind, merciful and nurturing woman. Another person may think of an embodiment of strength, courage and warrior like energy. These are all images of many facets and beliefs of a goddess, which itself is a complex dynamic energy form of the Divine Feminine.

Many of the ancient myths and symbols associated with the goddesses are still deeply embedded in our modern society psyche, for instance, when we see the image of Venus or Aphrodite, we immediately think of beauty, love or romance. What this tells us is that we are still living with the image and influence of the goddesses in our life, perhaps even without consciously knowing about it.

And as we look at the myths a little closer, we can see they are in fact a projected human experience, based on the hidden fears and passion that exist in our feminine psyche. For example, in the myth of Persephone and Demeter, when Persephone was kidnapped by the underworld god Hades, her mother, Demeter was deeply depressed. Since Demeter is a goddess of harvest and fertility, the land witted and nothing could grow from the soil. For the first time, dark and snowy winter came and humans began to starve. Her depression had indeed depressed the world.

This mythology clearly demonstrates the devastating effect of a mother and those around her when she loses her child or someone she deeply cares about. She is beside herself and makes choices that she wouldn’t normally make. Demeter can be characterized as a nurturing and motherly archetype, where she is also prepared to go to great lengths and depths to rescue those she loves. That’s her strength and power. All the myths reveal each individual goddess is unique and each has their own set of strengths and weaknesses, gifts and talents as well as fears and passions.

The same goes for all of us, as those stories are essentially drawn from our human experience of fear and passion. In another words, we all have at least one goddess archetype alive within us. We may have more, but one of them tends to have a major influence over the others at any given stage of our lives.

By becoming more aware about these goddess archetypal influences, we get to understand our emotional and behavioral patterns better. We come to know why we’ve made certain decisions in life and why we have certain emotional tendencies. We learn to be more mindful of our shadow aspects and develop ways to grow. And with a good understanding of who we are, we begin to accept certain qualities we didn’t like or weren’t aware of before. This path of loving who we truly are, and seeing our lives and beauties through the eye of a goddess, is in fact the ultimate path to reclaim our Divine Feminine.

If you would like to learn more about the goddess archetypes, especially in the area of emotions and relationships and if you are wondering what archetype has the strongest influence in you, you may like to sign up for our Gratitude Online 7 day Goddess Experience for this month. We will launch on the 8th February. Once you sign up, you will receive all the goodies when we launch.

You will receive a quiz to give you some clues about your goddess archetype, you will learn about stories and myths on specific goddesses that you can drawn upon their strength AND you are invited to come to our FB event page to share your experience and interact with one another. We will also post on the page a meditation for you to connect with your goddess/s and many other fun facts.


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