Expanding Gratitude Through Christmas

Every day we get an opportunity to live a grateful life, so focusing on it over a particular season shouldn’t lead you to think it is only practiced at certain times of the year. However, at these times of goodwill and cheer, we can sometimes find ourselves under stress and  feeling “not so grateful”.

Leading up to and over the Christmas period, there will be presents to buy and wrap, people to see, cards to send, food to cook, etc. and we may find this all a little overwhelming.

This time can also be filled with many beautiful moments and making a practice to continue to build our gratitude muscle, will assist you to remain centred and in the moment. It will reduce stress and busy-ness and ultimately, reduce the many distractions that may hold us back from this wonderful time of celebration, of love, joy and happiness.

Below are a few things you may want to revive, or put into your Gratitude tool kit to enable you to stay fully present, open your heart and remaining connected to all that is, so you can experience the gratefulness and appreciation for all is.

  1. Start the day with your intention

I find, taking the first 10 minutes or so in the morning, to set an intention for the day – sets me up. There is a tendency to convince yourself that you do not have 10 minutes however, we all do ~ and the difference to my productivity, calmness and sense of clarity, means the rest of the day flows.

If you have stopped giving yourself this time, then I highly recommend it.

Once you have this time, fill it with a small meditation, a few deep breaths and/or getting clear on what truly needs to be achieved for the day. That way you know what needs to be prioritized, and what can be either delegated or delayed, and then you have your focus for the day.

  1. Focus on the Breath

As mentioned above, this could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths, centering yourself and grounding your energy.

Keeping in mind, that you are more productive and aware when you are present, and this investment in time will come back 10-fold.

Or you could consider beginning each morning with a few rounds of Pranyama (a breathing exercise that alternates your breathing) that steadies and calms the mind and body to help eliminate anxiety and stress.

To do this, find a place where you sit comfortably, close yours eyes and then place your index and middle fingers of the right hand between your eyebrows, your ring and little finger on the left nostril, and the thumb on the right nostril.

Pressing the thumb down on the right nostril, breathe out through the left nostril. Do not strain. Breathe in through the left nostril; then press it with the ring finger and little finger. Lift the right thumb and exhale through right nostril.

Inhale through the right side and at the top, press the right nostril closed with your thumb, and breathe out through the left nostril. Inhale through the left, and gently press the left nostril closed with the ring and little fingers, lift the thumb from the right nostril, and breathe out.

Keep moving through the pranayama for nine rounds, breathing in through both nostrils alternately.

  1. Meditation/Mindfulness

There are so many ways you can meditate, and it truly is a practice that we often forget or avoid when we are busy. If you find it hard to meditate, a guided visualisation could assist. Stepping out into nature and soaking up the sun can also be a peaceful and energizing meditation, for it is a true gift of time, focus and clarity that we can give to ourselves every day.

You can also consider just being mindful of what you are doing, thinking or choosing to focus on, when you are doing your activities throughout the day.

Whatever, type of meditation you decide to do, the key is to ensure you are looking after yourself, and when we do this, our day seems to flow better as we approach the day more grounded and in the present.

  1. Give to Others

When you live from a place of gratitude, your life is abundant, you get to see all that you have (rather than not) and therefore become more open to look beyond yourself and what you can do for others.

At a time of Christmas, many of us will be blessed with gifts, food and family to celebrate, in a home to wake up from a bed we have slept in, others may not be as fortunate – so what who or what would you like to lend your energy to for this year?

Taking time out to donate food, give to a charity, your time to food kitchens or invite someone you know to enjoy being part of your family celebration.

Even when you are writing you cards, being present and infusing your words with love and intent can have a powerful effect.

All of this extends a sense of good will to others and opens your heart to more joy and love, what you will receive is immeasurable.

  1. Create a Christmas Gratitude Space

Pick a special place you frequent often, create a specific altar or a windowsill, having a focal point where you create a ritual around gratitude, will assist you to grow and expand into this energy.

We have a wonderful experience around focusing on gratitude for 12 days that will use this concept; we invite you to join us on Facebook from the 13th of December.

For more details, check out our article, Christmas Blessings, Gratitude and the Childlike Wonder of Life