Fun & Joy – A Different Vantage Point

How is it that a number of people can experience exactly the same event and all share a different perspective or story of exactly what took place and how it affected them? And what exactly does this have to do with fun and joy? Well let’s explore it!

Perhaps the simplest explanation is that we all observe life through different lenses, many of which we are completely unaware of. Metaphysically, the frequency of our energy field at any given moment colours and determines the perspective (or vantage point) we have available to us at that point in time. For example, there are times when we may find ourselves walking through thick dense forest unable to find the right track or wadding through muddy patches.

At other times, we may experience ourselves swinging from tree to tree not exactly sure of our direction, but with some momentum. Yet at other times, we may be soaring right over the top in a hot air balloon, going with the breeze, able to see the tracks and muddy spots from afar, even appreciating them as beautiful from this vantage point.

Every state of being serves a purpose and has a role to play in our expansion and evolution. So if fun and joy are what you are after, let’s look at how you can use wherever you are as a stepping stone towards this lighter state of being.

Firstly, identify the heaviness or stagnant emotion you would like to shift.

Then ask yourself a few questions. What does it feel like to be the most expanded, infinite, limitless, loving version of myself? Take a few moments to feel that energy in your body and breathe it in.

Now check in and ask yourself what happens to that heaviness or emotion from this space?

You may find it transforms into something else, you may find it transforms a few times getting lighter each time or you may find it disappears and that you can’t even connect to it anymore.

I recently had a client whose shame transformed into self-acceptance and then into rejoicing! What a change!

For me, powerlessness has turned into trust which transformed into surrender.

So by looking at life through the lens of limitlessness and expansion rather than restriction or fear, we are able to access a very different view – perhaps even connecting to what is truly going on. This is in no way about denying what you’re feeling and experiencing which is incredibly important, but it is about not identifying yourself with your emotions and habitual thought patterns, instead allowing consciousness to dance through you unravelling layers to provide a deeper insight.

Let’s try another example: something ridiculously inconvenient happens that throws out your day. When connecting to limitlessness and expansion, the inconvenience turns into adventure and then into possibility and then perhaps even into Divine synchronicity. Wow!

You may even like to experiment with humour! Through a purely joyful and humourous lens, what does the emotion or situation look like? If I embodied the energy of fun for just one minute, what would change? If I was jump into the hot air balloon of gratitude, what might I see that wasn’t evident before? If I look through the eyes of my inner child, what is he/she seeing?

Peek through all the different frames that appear for you when you have the awareness that a different perspective is available and the courage to expand yourself beyond what you originally thought was possible. Have fun! Explore, adventure and get creative!


JeannineJeannine is a holistic practioner who specialises in restoring fractal patterns in a persons energy field. Just as you have a unique finger print, you also have a unique flow of energy that makes you who you are. This can be imbalanced for many different reasons such as trauma, stress, loss, relationship issues etc.

Through a balancing process, Jeannine brings greater balance to your energy field which translates into greater balance in your life. She is a holistic counsellor, works with balancing businesses energetically and also uses the Forensic Healing Protocol.

Please feel free to browse her website or email her directly on: