Gratitude Experience – Day 5

“Gratitude and attitude are not challenges, they are choices” ~ Robert Braather

Welcome to Day 5 of our Gratitude Experience.

The work of Masaru Emoto in 1994 demonstrated how our thoughts, surroundings and intent all had effect on the molecular structure of water and as our physical bodies are mainly composed of water, the question was posed, “how do our thoughts influence our reality”?

If you are interested to watch a video of the many images of water molecules and the impact of the words and intent, including the word Gratitude, please click here.

Throughout the whole 7 day experience remember to:

  • Capture any thoughts, inspiration or ideas as this is a wonderful way to anchor your learnings and experiences;
  • Honour your meditation time, this practice alone will serve you well way after the experience has completed; and
  • Maintain an open your heart and mind, and remain in the flow;

We also would love to hear from you throughout the experience, add any comments on our Facebook page. And remember if you would like to connect to anyone in our Embrace Life community, check out out our members directory or visit us at one of our upcoming festivals within in your local area.


10Today’s affirmation: ” I am always open to be in the flow”

You may want to reflect on this affirmation, and set the intention to bring into your meditation.

Remember that the use of an affirmation can assist you when your mind drifts in a meditation, so if you feel you drifting off and becoming aware of your busy mind, then come back the affirmation.

It also is a wonderful way to keep focussed throughout the day.


Your Daily Meditation

Now, take a few moments to look at the image we have captured today, what does this image reflect for you?

This image of water captures the essence of oneness. One drop of water, in itself is whole and yet it also merges with others to create an ocean. Water is the symbol of emotion, feeling and the intuitive. It also a giver of life, as is our breathe and without it, life would not exist.

How often do you refresh our bodies with a bath or shower, have access to clear running water, we cook with it, drink a warm cup of tea, it is something we only really appreciate when it is scarce.

Take a few deep breaths and concentrate on the image, breathe it in, connect to the energy of water, acknowledge it and allow your gratefulness connect with the image.

“Gratitude and attitude are not challenges, they are choices”, what does that mean for you?

Here is a wonderful video from Oprah Winfrey around making choices; and how you approach the challenges that life presents and what you decide to do with it.

We have shared this, as when you are in a state of Gratitude and aligned with your divine source, then you are truly in the flow.

Every thought that flows into action will come back to you. Either you are in flow or out of it; and this shows how in sync you are in your life, in direct proportion to how aligned you are with the divine source.


Some further questions to ponder today:

  • Are you listening to your whispers? are you experiencing the falling of the brick wall?
  • Do you know what gift you are here to give?
  • What is your self talk, and have you claimed your authentic power?

These questions do not have right or wrong answers, they are here to allow you to take time to become more self-aware, your inner thoughts and feelings are shaping your world.

What do you want to focus on creating today?

Be grateful of all your gifts, take a moment to truly honour who you are and what you have brought into this world.

If you are not aware of your purpose, take some time to reflect on what it may be; taking a moment to understand what comes to you naturally, what makes your heart sing and when you doing or being in this space, things seem to just naturally flow – these are great signposts of your purpose.

If you are at cross road, then maybe you need to shift a direction, build on a foundation or have lost your connection, coming back into a state of gratitude will assist you to get back on track;  start by acknowledging the blessing of spending your time and energy in where you needed to be for right now.