Gratitude In New Beginnings

At the onset of Spring the weather gets warmer, the daylight stays with us a little longer and our energy lightens as we anticipate and rejoice in all the new sprigs and blessings that we will begin to enjoy. What does Spring really offer for us and how does this relate to Gratitude, Meredith Wilson explains.

Spring Equinox is traditionally on the 21st September, around the time when the Earth’s poles are the same distance from the Sun. The Sun rises due east and sets due west.

Astrologically for 2015 it falls on Wednesday, 23rd September at 6:22pm (Sydney time). In this 24 hour cycle there are roughly 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night.

At the Spring Equinox we are at the midway point through Spring, the time of equal day and equal night, the balance of light and dark. So at this time we have the chance to invite balance into our lives.

We had the first stirrings of Spring at the beginning of August with the celebration of Imbolc. The Spring Equinox is the 2nd celebration of Spring which is also known as Ostara or Alban Eilir. The third spring celebration is Beltane (1st November) where Spring is at her fullest and begins to give away to Summer.

However, at the Spring Equinox, we have travelled from the deep dark depths of winter when night reigned in power. We dove into the deep recesses of our minds, hearts and souls to bring up that which needed to see the light of day. We have sat in solitude; we have sung in silence; we have seen all of who we are ~ well, all that can be seen this cycle at least. We have worked the soil, we have dreamt of our seeds. Now we seek to plant them, nurture them and tend to the growing creation and manifestation.

It is with the energy of Spring we find we have the opportunity for new growth, fresh starts and new beginnings. This time is also known to some as Promise ~ in anticipation of the fulfilment of that promise which will occur with the harvest in the Autumn.

So what will you plant that you will reap in months to come?

Be sure to consciously ‘plant your seeds’, in other words, give thanks for what you want to see grow in your life.

The emphasis cannot be strong enough now on what you sow so shall you reap both physically and metaphorically.

Now that spring is blooming, and mother earth’s pulse is pumping through, giving sound to new growth and life, we are granted an amazing opportunity to consciously align with this energy and ‘use’ it to fuel whatever new beginnings we are creating in our lives. Whether you realise it or not you are being influenced by this energy. Pay close attention, you will feel it, practise flowing with it.

With the vibration and energy that Gratitude invokes, take time to contemplate what is developing around you, is it what you truly want?

Are you listening to the growth that is happening in you? Do you need to get out the ‘fertiliser’ to help what’s growing to be stronger? Do you need to do some ‘weeding’?

Remember so much will grow from now on, headed toward full bloom at the Summer Solstice in three months time.


MeredithMeredith Louise Moonsoul Wilson ~ a spirited woman

“Taking spirit with me wherever I go, Bringing spirit to you wherever you are”